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Thread: What steroid / steroids can be taken that will NOT shut you down?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    What steroid / steroids can be taken that will NOT shut you down?

    Hey guys,

    Just a quick question... Out of interest I was wondering if there is a steroid or steroids that you can use that will not shut you down and that will need little or zero PCT?

    IF there is such a thing...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Not really a steroid but hgh will not shut you down nor need a pct. Otherwise all true aas will shut you down.

  3. #3
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    Some steroids shut you down completely, whilst others just lower your test levels. That being said there are many variables such as genetics, dosage etc. Low dosages of Anavar and Dianabol <30mg and <20mg respectively are not THAT harsh on your HPTA.

    With any steroid though, always use PCT.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by run_n_fool View Post
    Not really a steroid but hgh will not shut you down nor need a pct. Otherwise all true aas will shut you down.

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    Some steroids shut you down completely, whilst others just lower your test levels. That being said there are many variables such as genetics, dosage etc. Low dosages of Anavar and Dianabol <30mg and <20mg respectively are not THAT harsh on your HPTA.

    With any steroid though, always use PCT.
    this is harsh on HPTA.

    all cause interference of some sort some mild and some harsh, primo and var are considered mild

  6. #6
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    I have read studies showing shutdown to be about 40-50% on low dosages. From personal experience it doesn't affect me too much. Granted everyone reacts differently.

  7. #7
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    Steroids will mess with your HPTA. That's how they work. I don't see your problem with it. Either accept the risks and use a proper PCT, which is ridiculously easy to procure through our site sponsor ARR, or don't use steroids.

    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    I have read studies showing shutdown to be about 40-50% on low dosages. From personal experience it doesn't affect me too much. Granted everyone reacts differently.
    I'd prefer my HPTA to be running at 100% ASAP, not 50-60%.

  8. #8
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    Wouldn't using hgh shut down your natural hgh? I know it won't shut down your test.

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    I have read studies showing shutdown to be about 40-50% on low dosages. From personal experience it doesn't affect me too much. Granted everyone reacts differently.
    true, i know a guy who can do deca and dbol only and only trains while he is on, he doesnt suffer shutdown and keeps his muscle even while eating shit and not training!! bastid!

  10. #10
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    if you do any amount that would benefit you, you will always need a pct,any roid out there.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by anadroljack View Post
    if you do any amount that would benefit you, you will always need a pct,any roid out there.
    I'm inclined to agree with this statement. However, your AAS usage intentions make a difference in your dosage. So what are your goals ?

  12. #12
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    They all shut you down, just some do it alot harder than others.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
    Steroids will mess with your HPTA. That's how they work. I don't see your problem with it. Either accept the risks and use a proper PCT, which is ridiculously easy to procure through our site sponsor ARR, or don't use steroids.

    I'd prefer my HPTA to be running at 100% ASAP, not 50-60%.
    I understand that steroids as a rule will mess with your HPTA. I was just wondering if there were any that I have not read or heard about that do not shut you down and or require little or no PCT...Was just curious, I dont have a problem with it at all pal, I use steroids but make sure I understand 100% of what it is I am taking and the sides and I would run a prooper PCT accordingly.

  14. #14
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    I think we need to change the term 'shut down' to something like 'lower' natural levels. Shut down implies that your body stops making any test and your nat levels go to zero. Which is largely dose dependent with most. (Although a few steroids do shut you down on low dosages)

    There are plenty out there that don't shut you down, just lower your levels 50% or so.

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