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Thread: 3rd cycle just looking for input please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    The Bat cave!

    3rd cycle just looking for input please!

    22 years old, started when i was 21 yea i know a little young but got some good results. Havent had any problems as of yet so im just gonna try another. looking to compete in the next few years.

    6'0 205lbs
    13-14% bf
    5 yrs lifting

    1st cycle - test e - 500mgs week 12 weeks
    2nd cycle - test e - 500mgs week 12 weeks
    tren e - 250mgs week 10 weeks

    I had horrible fatigue with the tren tho so i dont think id run that again. maybe try tren ace in the future. only side was the fatigue either then that i loved the tren.

    3rd cycle - test e 750mgs/wk week 1-14
    deca 500mgs/wk week 1-12
    dbol 50mgs/ed week 1-4
    hcg 250 ius e3d weeks 8-14

    i was thinking of kick starting with test suspension 50/75mgs ed week 1-5.
    looking for some input on what you guy think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    Kick start it with the dbol, if you were making good gains with teat being at 500 why boost it? Deca is good bit make sure you have caber on hand. What's your pct look like?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    I wish you the best of luck but if you do have a problem from AAS use at your age it will be later so you don't know. Have you had any blood work done?

    I used prohormones at a young age and now I'm 31 and I never could recover from my last cycle. There is a really good reason the advise is to wait till 25. The more you cycle at your age the higher the chances are you'll have problems later in life.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Hey buddy I'm running a similar cycle to you.
    Sus250 800mg a week 1-14
    Deca 300mg a week 1-12
    Dbol 50mg Ed 1-6
    Aromasin 15mg per day ( prone to gyno plus water retention)
    In week 7 weighing in at 91kg ( 6ft tall). Started at 84. I have toned up and put on lean muscle. Liking the look. Prob from the AI I'm running. Maybe you should run an AI with the dbol? Looks like you got a pretty solid cycle. Train hard. Keep focused on the end result and you will get there without a doubt

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