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  1. #1
    warren32 is offline New Member
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    cycle lenth / stacks

    Hey, I read so much about cycles. But everyone that I know personally tends to just stay on. Is there a point that your body needs a break? If so how long in between? Im on test c now @ 600 wk.. im 24 192 14.5% bf. Second week of first cycle. 2hrs a day 6x a wk work out. High protein 3500 caloric diet. At what point should I add deca or tren etc to my cycle? Thank you.

  2. #2
    warren32 is offline New Member
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    so cal
    Also im at 14.5% bf. Its all in my gut. Cheats arms legs are solid. Im currently on test c @ 600 wk. When I add a stack to the mix should it be a cutter ( due to my bf) % or a deca /tren ( bulking),. I tried again to search and haven't found anything relative.. just not sure which should go first. I have clen & cynomel. To cut with should they go together for separate if sho which first. Again thank you for the help!

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    yes your body needs to rest. Especially if you would like it to be able to recover and function normally. Just run your cycle of test for 10 weeks and do your pct.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    gixxer is correct man just run the test first cycle and think about other compounds in future cycles and deffinitly do a pct so you have some sort of idea how you recover from just the one compound....just so you know just because you do add in another aas dosent nessesaraly mean you will get the desired results your looking for, both bulking and cutting require diet changes that will dictate your results not so much the drugs imho...goodluck....

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