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Thread: 1st Cycle - Test. Eth + D-Bol

  1. #1

    1st Cycle - Test. Eth + D-Bol

    Age: 19
    Weight: 82kgs
    BF%: ?

    This is my first cycle so I'm looking for some info

    I've been training seriously for the last 3 years with nice gains compared to what I used to be, but now I've hit a plateau.
    8 Week cycle - Test. Enanthate 500mgs (250mgs twice a week) with D-Bol 20mgs/day for first 4 weeks
    What should my PCT look like if i used Clomid?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    You been on here 2 yrs,, you know you are way to young.

  3. #3
    Listen to chuckt12345, I've just read too many posts of 21 yo guys that can't maintain an erection during sex. Cycling at your age can be dangerous. You won't know it until you cycle. Once you find out, it's too late.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    your pretty young man and at your age you shouldnt be taking steroids and im sure you know that because the risks of injuries are very high also. At 19 your tendons are still growing and steroids can seriously f*** you up

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    You don't need steroids at 19

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Diet section for you. Learn how to eat.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    you could be over training and under eating. if you've been training hard for 3 years, take a week or two completely off or reduce your workload for a few weeks and deload. let your body catch up. and like all the other guys ahead of me, you are too young.

  8. #8
    These guys are telling you the truth. I started at 23. I boned 2 of the hottest chicks I've ever slept with during my first cycle and I couldn’t keep it up to save my life. You start out strong, but 5min into it....
    1. It sucks not being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
    2. It’s embarrassing when they look at you like what’s wrong, and you have to say "I guess these supplements I’m taking are messing with my mojo."
    3. Which leads to you constantly dwelling if it will happen again next time your on the prowl.

    Rather than blowing all your money on juice and F'ing your mojo up, I would go hire the biggest baddest personal trainer you can find, and start working on your weak points and diet.

    Hi everyone, new to the site lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    too young. i did cycle and im 23 and had so many problems
    natural hormone shut down, couldnt get my dick up for over 3 months. needed aggressive PCT and it brought me back
    i ****ed up my cholestrol levels. liver enzyme went so high, maaaaaaaan it aint worth it believe me.
    when u cant get an erection u wish u never have set foot in the gym lol
    wait until 25 at least

  10. #10


    Gonna keep this short... im 20 and gonna be going with the basic Test/Dbol first cycle in a month. I ran Mdrol at 30mg for 3 weeks (did absolutely nothing) and I cant really attest to whether or not that ****ed up my libido. I know there was a few instances on cycle where I couldn't get it up....but then again I was smashed out of my mind and pretty sure I had whiskey dick. I woke up the next morning on both occasions to make sure it was working fine and it was? so not really sure what to say about that. could've just been performance anxiety. But overall you need to know the basics of this shit before you hop on cycle if you are deadset on doing it. No one here knows you personally and even if you post pics we can critique whether or not you are truly ready. Some people feel as long as you're 18 thats fine, some believe 20, some say 25 is best and others say no less than 30! point is you're never gonna truly get a straight answer as to when you should start cycling just as you will never know when you're at your genetic limit. I personally dont believe there is a such thing as a gentic limit because there are ups and downs in everybody's life that will limit their bodybuilding lifestyle causing either gains or losses in muscle mass. you have to guage medians. point is nobody will tell you when is best because that is up to you but what everyone will tell you is that its best to have some type of muscular base, and know the Best way to go about things. (I know im on the younger side of this debate but I think its a more realistic approach than "you'll **** up your endocrine system "you'll never be able to get it up" "your test levels will forever be low" "you'll regret it") somethings on paper just dont play out in everyday life and alot of you older guys know this. Everybody that sees me thinks I already have like 2 cycles under my belt and I get the "Stares" at my gym everyday.

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