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Thread: Tren Ace to Tren E

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Tren Ace to Tren E

    hey guys, im modifying my cycle and changing my current tren A for tren E and prop for sust, the sust is 350 and ive been doing 100mg prop ED so imma keep test at 700mg/wk.... im also running 100mgED of tghe Ace, should I be running 700mg/wk of the tren E as well? from what I have read tharts pretty aggressive dosing. I have Comp in 11 weeks ive been pinning ED for the past 5 weeks, imma run 5 weeks of the Tren E and sust, then go back to the Tren Ace/Prop/ and add Var 45-60mg/ED. Any input is appreciated =D

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Why the change? I would have started w/ the long esters then go to the shorter ones. I think i'd keep everything the same as you have it now. If you're tired of the ed injections, go to eod. Not sure about the longer esters right in the middle of the cycle, but the dosages are fine as long as you're familiar w/tren and have ran it a few times before.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thats a lot of sauce.Wats your cycle history? And I agree with the above statement about switching.And if you are competing.You wont want tren.I am talking about mma.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Why the change? I would have started w/ the long esters then go to the shorter ones. I think i'd keep everything the same as you have it now. If you're tired of the ed injections, go to eod. Not sure about the longer esters right in the middle of the cycle, but the dosages are fine as long as you're familiar w/tren and have ran it a few times before.

    I have always done the same as well, long to short, my trainer is the one who suggested that I switch to a longer one for a bit sice im still a bit out, it makes sense in two lights to me, i will go through 1 vial of sust and 1 of Tren E in 5 weeks whereas id usually go through a vial of Ace and Prop in 10 days, so im saving 3x the money for the same quantity of gear. and as i said, sinec i been pinning ED for a couple of weeks already my scar tissue and bruising is getting outta hand... Ive been pinning both glutes,shoulders, and even started quads 2 weeks ago. As far as my familiarity with Tren goes; this is my 1st 19nor cycle, but ive been researching that people usually run up to 150ED, i started with 50mg ED for the first 3 weeks and decided to up it, dudes that were 185 were running 100mg, so i figured at 215 i might need a bit more of a push

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Thats a lot of sauce.Wats your cycle history? And I agree with the above statement about switching.And if you are competing.You wont want tren.I am talking about mma.
    3rd cycle
    Ive ran 3 types of test, 2 17aa's, 1 19 nor, and winny Depot
    and good looks on the competing, but i stopped fighting for the last month to prepare for NPC in october (couldnt keep any weight on, and thats on a 6,000 calorie diet =/)
    and about the switching, the reasoning is above

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Well, since you're already into it and the tren sides aren't an issue, might as well go with it. Plus, the pinning is getting tobe too much. You might want to lower the tren e to 500mgs though. Just a thought. Still can't figure out why he'd recommend short to long, then back to short. Good luck and let us know how things go.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    the recommendation came from the frequency of pinning and building of scar tissue with the distance still out from comp, and ill try the 500 mg of tren E... thanks for the input guys. As far as sides i jus sweat like hell, bit of cough and bit short of breath

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