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Thread: Would AAS help with injuries?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Would AAS help with injuries?

    For example, My spine is out of alignment. I go see the chiro once or twice every two weeks. I feel great but after three days everything goes out of whack. Im stronger/bigger than the average person, i always thought i trained smart. I don't get why it's going out of align so quickly especially at my age. 19.

    I stretch 2x a day + workout 3x a week + core exercises + exercises to fix my spine.

    Im not suggesting that i want to do them now or soon. but when i turned 22-25 and it's still going out and i took AAS, would it help or make it worse?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    No, it would only further risk chance of injury.

    i would bet your muscle strength is out of wack. Try to get balance by doing body weight stuff and yoga. Yoga is great for handling your own body weight and increasing flexibility.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    ^ and you are waaay too young for aas

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    No, it would only further risk chance of injury.

    i would bet your muscle strength is out of wack. Try to get balance by doing body weight stuff and yoga. Yoga is great for handling your own body weight and increasing flexibility.
    That's what i thought, I started doing a body weight routine for about a month. Not much difference, I was actually thinking about starting again, but i don't want to waste time doing that. I've been doing yoga for years, it does help quite a bit, but muscles are still super tight. thanks for clarifying that though.

  5. #5
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    I do yoga 1+ hr. every day before w/o. Not high impact stuff. Mostly flexibility poses. I hold them extra long and stretch deeply. I don't meditate and all that, so I play music. I will hold some poses for an entire song. If your chiro is setting you and your throwing it out rather soon I would check your form with exercises. I have gone years thinking I was doing proper form with some exercises. I was wrong after doing a refresher and checking my form. Check your form and pay attention to your body. If it hurts slightly u need to alter it. I have to DO all incline, decline, flat and flys with legs up on bench...don't arch your back for extra power. I think if you get your form down it will help greatly.
    Even leg extensions were killing my back, try one leg at a time and go light but enough to see if u can feel it in your back. If so, u need to alter your program. I can't stress enough on how much to pay attention to the movements that u do, alter them or drop the ones that hurt and substitute it for an exercise that targets the same area.
    LB can shed some light on this also.

  6. #6
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    Speaking from experience being on HRT for over 3 years I still go to the chiropractor, I still get out of alignment, I still have bad discs so in other words NO it wont help.

  7. #7
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    OP, do u have a spinal injury? or u keep throwing your back out? If your throwing it's your movement.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by PitMaster View Post
    OP, do u have a spinal injury? or u keep throwing your back out? If your throwing it's your movement.
    Herniated disc L4/L5. right now it's probably the best it's going to ever be. Most of the time im painless, i just have to be careful. But it's mostly in my upper back. I was doing up right rows and it felt like a pulled muscle and it slowly healed but i still have pain there if i bent my neck back or if im straining it from work or other things, it aches. One chiro thinks its because it has been compensating for my lower back for years and it's gave out so i need to stretch and strengthen it. another chiro said he thinks i sprained a joint doing the up right row and all the muscles around the area are tight and that';s causing my spine going out of alignment. stretch and strengthen. |

    Right now though work is causing me the most pain ( electrical assist.) so it strains it and it probably doesn't give it time to heal and all that. So im kinda stuck. I feel 100% for a couple days after the chiro, just need to keep my spine from going out. I have muscle knots there so that doesn';t help.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmx View Post
    Herniated disc L4/L5. right now it's probably the best it's going to ever be. Most of the time im painless, i just have to be careful. But it's mostly in my upper back. I was doing up right rows and it felt like a pulled muscle and it slowly healed but i still have pain there if i bent my neck back or if im straining it from work or other things, it aches. One chiro thinks its because it has been compensating for my lower back for years and it's gave out so i need to stretch and strengthen it. another chiro said he thinks i sprained a joint doing the up right row and all the muscles around the area are tight and that';s causing my spine going out of alignment. stretch and strengthen. |

    Right now though work is causing me the most pain ( electrical assist.) so it strains it and it probably doesn't give it time to heal and all that. So im kinda stuck. I feel 100% for a couple days after the chiro, just need to keep my spine from going out. I have muscle knots there so that doesn';t help.
    I'm a lil confused, do u have two things going on with your back? L4-L5 is lower lumbar. Are u sure it's herniated and not bulged( the term herniated gets thrown around a lot) If it's bulged, injections have a good chance in working. If it's upper back and tight, I would try massage and some PT. They can deep heat treatment on the area. U can try seated cable rows to help strengthen your lower back. Try doing it strict w/o much movement. You can youtube different exercises to check your form.
    If u use AAS now your gonna give yourself more problems than just in your back.

  10. #10
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    how is your hamstring flexibilty? i have tight hammies and my back hurts there when i do back work and squats. That is a common problem with big squaters that arent very flexible, cuz well with flexibility you lose strength cuz there is more movement you have to stabilize with muscles.

    Be sure to do straight leg deadlifts after every leg day, I do 135 lbs. its way easy but you want to use it as a stretch more than anything. Dont go to heavy then you will sacrifice form for weight and with your history of problems, that would only further aggrevate it.

    It sounds like its your ILS back muscles, the ones that stabilize your spine when you do large upper body movement lifts (anything with your arms above 140 degrees)
    Another thing that would help is doing back raises, where you are laying at a angle (45 degrees.. damn where is the degree symbol on my keyboard?) and you do back extensions. that is another good stretching exercise that will help your back.

    If it is too much of an issue right now, you can do most of those lifts sitting down, that will take a lot of strain off your back yet you wont lose the effectiveness of the lift.

    If work is bugging the back, also look into a lumbar support, the thing that movers wear. Similar to wearing a squat belt. you dont want to rely on that, but it will help alleviate some of the pain while you work on your flexibility and balancing your strength.

    Also massage is a great option and one of those "shaq" back heat pads before working out. that will make sure that it is as loose as it can be to help prevent further aggrevation.

  11. #11
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    100% it's herniated, got x rays/mri/ct scans on it. I don't do squats/deadlifts of any kind because that's when it hurts the most. i stay away from all exercises that i have to be bent over, sadly.

    I wear a back brace to work, it takes away 99% of my lower back pain, but its my upper back that it currently the problem.

    Hamstring flexibility is alight, not great, i think thats part of the reason why my hip abductors are tight as well, so i stretch them 1-2x a day. Thanks for the feed back, I appreciate it immensely. My logic on taking AAS to help it was that it would built strength and muscle fast which will put support my spine more and it wouldn't get unaligned so easily. That doesn't seem like the case.

    Thanks again. Ill just keep on stretching/chiro/workout and possibly try acupunture for the muscle knots. and hopefully it will clear up soon. I'm thinking about quitting work sometime and going to school so that will help my whole back A LOT.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Between mrs.misery's legs
    I had my L5 and S1 fused together...HGH and winsrol help me heal a ton faster...

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