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Thread: Update on my condition...

  1. #1
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    Update on my condition...

    Hey Guys..

    last summer did a TREN ONLY cycle for 9weeks....

    while on...was horney 24-7...could get an erection and be ready to **** every time a girl walked by me, etc

    did Nolva..Clomid for PCT after

    and my libido crashed like crazy

    I went from being hard not even being able to get an erection for a few months

    did a TEST ONLY cycle...which seeemd to bring my libido back and my ability to get Erections

    finishing up my PCT this week

    goood news libido is back...and i can get an erecetion on my own...(I think the test reveresed some of the damage doing TREN only caused)

    only problem is last week in my PCT and my erections still arent as hard as they useed to be PRE-CYCLE last year...they seem a tad week...cialis helps somewhat...but still somethin isnt right

    all my bloooodwork is normal

    im 33...190lbs

    i dont think its mental...i dont think being 33 is an older...but far from having an erecetion on a 8.0 on a 1 to 10 scale

    any inisght

    or has anyone else noticed weak erecetions after a cycle or pct.....

  2. #2
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    I would wait a couple more weeks till your levels are stable then see how things are.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post
    Hey Guys..

    last summer did a TREN ONLY cycle for 9weeks....

    while on...was horney 24-7...could get an erection and be ready to **** every time a girl walked by me, etc

    did Nolva..Clomid for PCT after

    and my libido crashed like crazy

    I went from being hard not even being able to get an erection for a few months

    did a TEST ONLY cycle...which seeemd to bring my libido back and my ability to get Erections

    finishing up my PCT this week

    goood news libido is back...and i can get an erecetion on my own...(I think the test reveresed some of the damage doing TREN only caused)

    only problem is last week in my PCT and my erections still arent as hard as they useed to be PRE-CYCLE last year...they seem a tad week...cialis helps somewhat...but still somethin isnt right

    all my bloooodwork is normal

    im 33...190lbs

    i dont think its mental...i dont think being 33 is an older...but far from having an erecetion on a 8.0 on a 1 to 10 scale

    any inisght

    or has anyone else noticed weak erecetions after a cycle or pct.....
    Sounds like good news!

    Were they like pre-Tren?

    I guess then you proved your ED was/is not from nerve damage, bloodflow issues, psychological, stress etc. But chemical.
    Which is rare.

    What is going on now, I wouldn´t worry. Pretty much everybody suffers somewhat from ED during and after PCT.
    What PCT are you doing this time?
    Nolva for instance, will crush your Estradiol which is essential for strong erections.
    Let this all settle post PCT, and let us know again how you´re doing.

  4. #4
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    Yeh..the great part is IM HORNEY AGAIN AND CAN GET AN ERECTION

    i just know after penetration it sometimes softens up...etc

    cialis , viagra all help

    but at 33....was hopin to wait a decade or so before relying on them;..LOL

  5. #5
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    Thats awesome that you are bouncing back! Like it was said above, Ed is common in PCT. Wait a lil while before making any drastic choices and get some BW done.

    and the softie after penetration may be more mental than you think... since u had issues for the last long while, maybe gettin to 'ancy'...

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post
    Hey Guys..

    last summer did a TREN ONLY cycle for 9weeks....

    while on...was horney 24-7...could get an erection and be ready to **** every time a girl walked by me, etc

    did Nolva..Clomid for PCT after

    and my libido crashed like crazy

    I went from being hard not even being able to get an erection for a few months

    did a TEST ONLY cycle...which seeemd to bring my libido back and my ability to get Erections

    finishing up my PCT this week

    goood news libido is back...and i can get an erecetion on my own...(I think the test reveresed some of the damage doing TREN only caused)

    only problem is last week in my PCT and my erections still arent as hard as they useed to be PRE-CYCLE last year...they seem a tad week...cialis helps somewhat...but still somethin isnt right

    all my bloooodwork is normal

    im 33...190lbs

    i dont think its mental...i dont think being 33 is an older...but far from having an erecetion on a 8.0 on a 1 to 10 scale

    any inisght

    or has anyone else noticed weak erecetions after a cycle or pct.....
    i really dont know how running a cycle would repair your natty system, more the opposite id of thought. of course you would have had better libido while on the test but i dont see how it would have repaired lowered libido from a tren only run

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Sounds like good news!

    Were they like pre-Tren?

    I guess then you proved your ED was/is not from nerve damage, bloodflow issues, psychological, stress etc. But chemical.
    Which is rare.

    What is going on now, I wouldn´t worry. Pretty much everybody suffers somewhat from ED during and after PCT.
    What PCT are you doing this time?
    Nolva for instance, will crush your Estradiol which is essential for strong erections.
    Let this all settle post PCT, and let us know again how you´re doing.
    it wont, it only stops estro from binding, the estro is still floating around in the system

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i really dont know how running a cycle would repair your natty system, more the opposite id of thought. of course you would have had better libido while on the test but i dont see how it would have repaired lowered libido from a tren only run
    You know the tren binds with 5x the affinity for the AR than test does, and since he did a tren only cycle once he was done he was very shut down. he did a pct and go this blood work values back to normal but what was hypothesized is that since tren doesnt convert with the 5ar enzyme, that it downregulated in the penile region due to it not being used. After the PCT, his values were all good but still havin limp dick and libido issues. I think the libido issues stemmed from the limp dick issues, cuz libido is alot of mental more than chemical. yes test does influence libido, but your mind can have more control over the body then one realizes.
    So since the 5ar was downregulated in the penile region, and he only had normal values of test in his system, it would take a while for it to regenerate back to normal values. Doing a short blast of a cycle where putting extra test in his system, the 5ar enzyme upregulated cuz its related to the amount of test in the system. So with extra test, the enzyme increased in the tissues. *remember 5ar is mainly in the tissues, and not nearly in the blood stream as much as test. Similar to how adipose tissues have more estrogen in them, same concept. And it prolly flushed the rest of the tren out of the system, if there was any more left over. It upregulated the enzyme in the tissues to match the test in his system. Now the hope is that it stays that way, or maybe does go down a lil but it shouldnt go down nearly as far as it did with the tren only cycle.

    For those with low amounts of the 5ar enzyme, high androgen therapy is the solution, but those people with that problem naturally, have low natural test. Since his numbers were normal, thought that it was due to the tren.

    just a quick recap, i may have rambled on there a bit.. ohwell its better to over explain than to leave some doubt

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    Insane in the lemonade

    I wouldnt laugh at Lemonda's hypothesis

    my dick was shutdown prettty hard

    his advice to do a test only cycle helped it

    and 6 weeks appears to have regained it to about 90% of its normal fiunctionality

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post
    I wouldnt laugh at Lemonda's hypothesis

    my dick was shutdown prettty hard

    his advice to do a test only cycle helped it

    and 6 weeks appears to have regained it to about 90% of its normal fiunctionality
    i still dont see how shutting yourself down again is going to help but i guess the next 6wks will tell a tale. i dont buy into a kickstart theory in this manner and cant possibly see how anyone can know it for sure, i doubt even an endo would go with that anecdotal theory. but i wish you well
    Last edited by dec11; 08-08-2011 at 09:42 PM. Reason: spelling

  12. #12
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    He induced Reifenstein's syndrome with the tren only cycle... well the symptoms cuz thats a genetic disorder.

    I hope so 2, def the next 6 weeks are gonna be important! but hes out of pct now and alot more functional

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