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Thread: Another LIBIDO question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Another LIBIDO question

    I had a cycle gone bad by taking aromasin then quitting it (running out) in my 8th week. Cycle seemed to be decent before that, with libido and the whole nine yards. Then it went to crap. Note, that I never showed signs of high estrogen (nips, bloating,... nothing). Took the stuff because someone advised and probably shouldn't have. Anyway, took about 3 weeks off to let my body adjust and got back on cycle. I'm currently doing about 300 mgs of sus EOD. That averages out to approx. 1000 mg of test per week and about 650 is long esters. I've just started introducing another 150 of prop to it. I feel some signs of growth and slight strength, but NO LIBIDO. I HATE NO LIBIDO. :-)

    I am putting enough testosterone in me to blow up a cow, but yet I feel no libido and very little size. Has anyone ever heard or experienced this? I'm going to get a blood test this week because this is insane. Can my body actually be countering or neutralizing the affects of these high amounts of testosterone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    my natural test right now is >1,500ng/dL. yet i have no libido.

    another hormone is off, estrogen, prolactin, progesterone, SHBG...etc. all these effect libido.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Do you have any suggestions, DAAS? A blood test seems obvious, but is there anything I can try now ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    This may not make any difference to you whilst on cycle, but there has been studies that prove that not viewing pornographic material of any kind for at least 2 months, and limit your self touching to once a week will reboot your libido to that of your 18 year old self. All to do with dopamine apparently. The in depth articles were on the Psychology today website.

    Something to try if your levels don't return to normal post pct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    hcg? last cycle i done had a ball issue lol hcg seemed to get me back on track and 20mg proviron a day to. that is a lot of test though..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Can HCG screw anything up? Is there a way that it can mess up any balance (like my system is really in perfect equilibrium. NOT!) ???

    I tend to believe it's a lack of estrogen after my aromasin debacle, but I thought that estrogen will naturally return and in surplus. Any comments on that ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    test is only good for libido for me up to 350 around 400 it gets funny im sure at close to a gram ur fruckked...drop test down to 350 or less or use a natural herb for libido...tongkat ali works great for my libido off cycle it makes me feel like im on cycle as far as sex when im on pct and off-cycle(it doesnt do much else dont believe the hype).......yohimbe hcl is also a good one

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I sure would like to figure this out. As luck would have it,.. NOW... I can get it when I want and... NOW... I don't think I can perform. I don't have the burning urge like I'm supposed to have. It's waaaay low. I have to admit, this sucks. I have HCG on hand and I have clomid and nolva on hand. Can I just go into a hospital and get an instant blood test without Dr's orders ?

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