I had a cycle gone bad by taking aromasin then quitting it (running out) in my 8th week. Cycle seemed to be decent before that, with libido and the whole nine yards. Then it went to crap. Note, that I never showed signs of high estrogen (nips, bloating,... nothing). Took the stuff because someone advised and probably shouldn't have. Anyway, took about 3 weeks off to let my body adjust and got back on cycle. I'm currently doing about 300 mgs of sus EOD. That averages out to approx. 1000 mg of test per week and about 650 is long esters. I've just started introducing another 150 of prop to it. I feel some signs of growth and slight strength, but NO LIBIDO. I HATE NO LIBIDO. :-)
I am putting enough testosterone in me to blow up a cow, but yet I feel no libido and very little size. Has anyone ever heard or experienced this? I'm going to get a blood test this week because this is insane. Can my body actually be countering or neutralizing the affects of these high amounts of testosterone?