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Thread: simple answers pleasee !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    simple answers pleasee !

    Hey bro's
    stats age - 26
    height - 5'11
    weight - 81kg
    bf% - 10.1
    beeng lifting for around 6 years now

    my question is to anyone who has any experience with running AAS and accutane , i really want to run a short prop cycle 6-8weeks and put on some lean muscle only problem is im 2 months into an accutane cycle my skin is clear and i dont want to **** that up any one with any relevant infor would be awsome ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    what specifically are your questions?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    if you need accutane now for acne, then goin on a cycle will increase the possibility of acne. And since u need a Rx for it... you need to pay attention to more body cleaning and scrubbing. Test increases oil production in the skin, thats why acne is mainly during puberty.
    Get some proactiv or clean/clear and really scrub yourself down. and get someone to wash your back with it also, use the face cleaner stuff all over ur body to help get rid of the excess oil. Good thing with the face washes it wont dry out your skin cuz its made for ur face.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by badman22 View Post
    Hey bro's
    stats age - 26
    height - 5'11
    weight - 81kg
    bf% - 10.1
    beeng lifting for around 6 years now

    my question is to anyone who has any experience with running AAS and accutane , i really want to run a short prop cycle 6-8weeks and put on some lean muscle only problem is im 2 months into an accutane cycle my skin is clear and i dont want to **** that up any one with any relevant infor would be awsome ?
    how has your acne responded to AAS before? Test does not give me acne, but HCG sure does. Sure there is a risk for increased acne, but if Test dosent bother you, then you should be fine. I also hear that accutane is potent shit and many AAS users, use accutane as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    world wide
    I've read somewhere that once you get treated with accutane your acne hardly ever returns. Not sure if this would apply to AAS though.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    yeah apparently it shrinks ur sebaceous glands permantly , thats what im trying to get at is thier anyone on here whos done an accutane cycle and not experienced acne after even when using AAS? ive used Enathate before (12 weeks) i got a little bit of acne on my back but my face got smashed with pimples dont w3ant that happeneing again so i was thinking a short prop cycle ??

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Simple answers, why dont you start with your correct stats

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    This is a very difficuly question to answer with gaurantee for you. You are an individual, what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another.
    Apparently you are prone to acne breakouts while using test so if you choose to try again then your idea of using prop is a good idea. With its fast acting ester you can have it out of your system quicker than the enanthate ester if your acne begins to flare up even while using accutane.
    You just have to decide if you are willing to run the trial on yourself. Don't buy into the "it worked for me" assurance bs because you are you. Go find out for yourself. Good luck

    Don't use aas, you are too young and need to let your hormonal system mature before you continue to f!ck with it.
    Last edited by TheClinch; 08-08-2011 at 10:20 PM. Reason: OP is too young...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Simple answers, why dont you start with your correct stats
    Yeah, the stat padding shit isn't cool. You are still too young amigo.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by badman22 View Post
    Hey bro's
    stats age - 26 = 22 or less
    height - 5'11
    weight - 81kg
    bf% - 10.1
    beeng lifting for around 6 years now

    my question is to anyone who has any experience with running AAS and accutane , i really want to run a short prop cycle 6-8weeks and put on some lean muscle only problem is im 2 months into an accutane cycle my skin is clear and i dont want to **** that up any one with any relevant infor would be awsome ?
    Isn't lying about age against the rules and is subject to an automatic suspension?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    u guys get off on this shit or somethinhg its my body ! garantee u idiots were playing with needles when use shouldnt have been too! sweet as suspend me ! not like i get anything good from here anyway just a heap of ppl with shit on thier upperlip ! ciau

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by badman22 View Post
    u guys get off on this shit or somethinhg its my body ! garantee u idiots were playing with needles when use shouldnt have been too! sweet as suspend me ! not like i get anything good from here anyway just a heap of ppl with shit on thier upperlip ! ciau
    FYI, if you had been honest and upfront from the jump you would have received a warmer welcome. The advice people receive is not a "blanket" fix, it will vary greatly based on your stats, experience, goals etc. You are failing to recognize that along with the hand slap you received was advice best suited for someone with your stats, ie. age. Be aware that you take a risk of permanently damaging your hormone system at your age and nobody in their "right mind" here would condone that.

    You have no idea how many uneducated people lie trying to get advice not realizing they are being self destructive.

    Don't leave in a huff, fly straight and get educated here among the knowledgeable people who will steer you in the safe direction, not with people who don't know or care what happens to you...

    Last edited by TheClinch; 08-09-2011 at 10:40 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by badman22 View Post
    u guys get off on this shit or somethinhg its my body ! garantee u idiots were playing with needles when use shouldnt have been too! sweet as suspend me ! not like i get anything good from here anyway just a heap of ppl with shit on thier upperlip ! ciau
    Yup another underage punk who is to immature to take good advice and only wants to hear what he wants to do. Good ridden because you are wrong. Please look for your future ED cures somewhere else.

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