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  1. #1
    mb0jones is offline New Member
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    Newbie needs help with beginner stack (we've all been there right?)

    So I'm sure this kind of thing gets tiring to a lot of your old-timers but we all had to start somewhere, right? I am looking at taking my first cycle, as soon as this Friday when payday rolls around if I can get the right advice and feel confident in my choice. A quick stat sheet of where I'm at:

    200 lbs.
    12-13% BF

    I was around 9% but had a shoulder injury and had to quit lifting which caused me to get depressed which then caused me to eat a lot of fast food and gain back some weight. I'm normally a consistent lifter and have a natural tendency to gain weight easily but not lose the fat and pretty much hit my peak at 9%. I want to get even lower than that and get a defined set of abs and was contemplating taking a beginner cutting stack. I've looked around and the general consensus seems to be Clen , Winn 50, Tren 75, and either Test or Anavar . All right enough chit-chat, here's what I was hoping to get some help in answering:

    1.) What stack would you recommend for my goals being that I do want to gain some more mass, but don't want to get too much bigger and am more concerned about leaning out at this point? Will a cutting stack serve the dual-purpose of gaining mass while at the same time cutting the fat or is it basically one or the other?

    2.) Would you recommend taking any other supps to help curb any side effects or is this sort of stack mild for the most part as far as that goes?

    3.) I'd be purchasing online so any suggestions as to what to stay clear of? I have a few sites in mind but am curious what you all think.

    Thanks for everyone's help ... hopefully one day I'll get to be the pro helping the poor newbie out on his first cycle!

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mb0jones View Post
    I was around 9% but had a shoulder injury and had to quit lifting which caused me to get depressed which then caused me to eat a lot of fast food and gain back some weight. I'm normally a consistent lifter and have a natural tendency to gain weight easily but not lose the fat and pretty much hit my peak at 9%. I want to get even lower than that and get a defined set of abs and was contemplating taking a beginner cutting stack. I've looked around and the general consensus seems to be Clen, Winn 50, Tren 75, and either Test or Anavar. All right enough chit-chat, here's what I was hoping to get some help in answering:
    Wait, did you get those names off the banner above? You know that stuff is really just supplements and not steroids ?

    To be honest, I think you should worry about getting back in to shape before you even contemplate taking steroids.

  4. #4
    AstheticKing's Avatar
    AstheticKing is offline Associate Member
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    u will never find steroids on the internet..anything that masqerades as roids is fake...if u cant find any stuff where ur from then get a prohormone or designer steroid like dymethazine or hdrol....or ask a willing member to verify one of the few internet sources

  5. #5
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AstheticKing View Post
    u will never find steroids on the internet..anything that masqerades as roids is fake...if u cant find any stuff where ur from then get a prohormone or designer steroid like dymethazine or hdrol....or ask a willing member to verify one of the few internet sources
    Yeah, best thing to do is to buy it off somebody at your gym. But even then, you might end up getting burned.

  6. #6
    mb0jones is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys didn't notice the little "disclaimer" at the bottom. More interested in what those with experience feel would be a good stack/first cycle for my first time around giving my goals and obviously I'll be a little more careful about where I source it from. I'm very serious about this but wanted to educate myself first before just diving in there with both feet.

    Sorry guys I know I'm especially green to the verbiage and overall methodology behind all this but everyone has to start somewhere and I feel more comfortable coming to a sight like this with those that have legitimate experience as opposed to asking some random beefhead at the gym.

  7. #7
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mb0jones View Post
    Thanks guys didn't notice the little "disclaimer" at the bottom. More interested in what those with experience feel would be a good stack/first cycle for my first time around giving my goals and obviously I'll be a little more careful about where I source it from. I'm very serious about this but wanted to educate myself first before just diving in there with both feet.

    Sorry guys I know I'm especially green to the verbiage and overall methodology behind all this but everyone has to start somewhere and I feel more comfortable coming to a sight like this with those that have legitimate experience as opposed to asking some random beefhead at the gym.
    Well, I think reading the stickies in the educational subforum is a nice way to start your education. I must say reading message forums does not count as research. Read all the steroid profiles though.

    Personally, I wouldn't ever approach some random dude at the gym and talk to them about juice.

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