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  1. #1
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    my clomid breakdown...

    i basically broke down to my best friend on sunday a week into clomid when i told her that i have had feelings for her for the last 5 years. i am currently 5.5 months into a relationship but i couldn't go on living in a lie so i finally sacked up and told both my gf and my best friend. my gf and i broke up in a torrid manner and my best friend told me that she has always seen me like a brother and best friend, not anything romantic.

    me being the tactful and always analytical person i strive to be basically told the best friend that i broke up with my gf for her, etc etc. when i found that my love was unrequited i told her that we could not continue seeing each other as friends because it tears me from the inside every time i hear about her latest bf treating her like shit or her problems of not finding a 'quality' guy. she was confused and bewildered of why all this was happening and started to try to console me, but i was bawling my eyes out guys, it was like the floodgates that were closed the last 3 years just opened up. she tried to wipe away my tears but i pulled away and had my best line to anyone, ever when i said 'i want my tears to hit the ground at your feet so you know they are for you'. she was very upset and i left a minute later and drove around for a few hours.

    i returned home about 2 hours later after driving around aimlessly and sat down to write a new song about her...took me 45 minutes to get lyrics and the riff down and i recorded it to a cd. got in my car and drove to her house to tape it to the outside of her car. she listened to it and broke down herself to me on the phone, which caused me to break down a second time so now i sit here depressed as hell sans gf and the most influential female in my entire life.

    im glad i have everyone here to share this with because i have been a mess ever since this happened and it has only been a day...anyone have any advice here about how to patch things up? i told her i never wanted to speak again or see her, but i know i won't be able to do long do you think i should wait before making further contact? im sitting here kicking myself for saying anything now, but i needed to do it...

  2. #2
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    man i was even stupid enough to post this outside of the lounge...sorry guys. would a mod move it when they get the chance? thx.

  3. #3
    CatGrabber's Avatar
    CatGrabber is offline Member
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    Clomid made me feel like an emotional wreck as well. I had feelings and thoughts I know for a fact I normally dont. I would rather sacrifice a good portion of gains then to feel that way again. Your emotions will get back on track soon. And remember, even though it seems like it wont now....this too shall pass. Keep your head up. Cat

  4. #4
    repeatoffender's Avatar
    repeatoffender is offline Junior Member
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    Hey bro, I hope you feel better really fast cuz it's no fun feelin down in the dumbs and all emotional I would say give it a few days before you contact her agian, and if she seems uninterested, then play it off as you don't care. Women like the challenge of getting things they can't so that could be the ticket.
    I'm going to be starting clomid once I start my summer cycle in approximately 3 weeks, so I hope my emotions don't do a tailspin, but I'll let you know.
    Good luck bro, and God bless. Take care of yourself first and foremost, for all else is secondary

  5. #5
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    LOL, bro I posted this before but I will say it again. When I was on a lot of clomid (thought I was getting gyno so I freaked and took like 400mg) That week I called my ex-girlfriend to chat and see how things are going, I took my mom and grandmother out to dinner because I felt bad for them. I was a emotional wreck. It is too funny.


  6. #6
    Got Gear?'s Avatar
    Got Gear? is offline Member
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    Yeouch! Damn clomid... making big boys cry like babies!

    Hope things work out for you daem.

  7. #7
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    thanks trying to deal with it....definitely rough and an emotional time especially with this clomid...people have been asking me what my deal is because i just sound depressed even when talking right now...its crazy, i can't wait for the end of this post-cycle therapy...

  8. #8
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Im taking clomid right now, and im still an arrogant ass!!! J/K

  9. #9
    Tom's Avatar
    Tom is offline Associate Member
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    Bro I hate to say it but when the clomid is over your still gonna be a little depressed. I swear to God the number one destroyer of men is women. Breaking up with girlfriends that you really like or the situations like your dealing with women will kill anyone. I got hit real bad last summer. I didnt eat for a month lost like ten pounds. Ill never let a bitch take away my gains again. Anyway ending the clomid will lighten things up a little but the pain may still be there bro

  10. #10
    nj_'s Avatar
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    I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, haven't ever felt any mood changes from clomid when I've used it, although I use it recreationally (nothing like shooting across the room )

  11. #11
    painintheazz's Avatar
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    BTW, any of you guys get "blue balls" when running clomid. I have been getting it really bad the last 3 days and I think it might be the clomid, I am not sure.


  12. #12
    daem's Avatar
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    my libido has been down considerably since i began clomid, however without that shot of prop/fina every day i wouldn't expect it to be as high...still not back to my normal level of arousal.

  13. #13
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    maybe nolvadex would be a better alternative if clomid makes you too emotional.

  14. #14
    GandolfReturns is offline Junior Member
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    You cant be serious about this post!!

    This is a joke right?

    If not, wholy shit, you're f**king babies too begin with, forget the clomid!

    Oh ya, you just came off a test base cycle where you strangled people out of the blue and blamed the test.


    Call Dr. Phil


  15. #15
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by GandolfReturns
    You cant be serious about this post!!

    This is a joke right?

    If not, wholy shit, you're f**king babies too begin with, forget the clomid!

    Oh ya, you just came off a test base cycle where you strangled people out of the blue and blamed the test.


    Call Dr. Phil

    OK tough guy.


  16. #16
    kazual's Avatar
    kazual is offline Junior Member
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    Dude sorry about all of the untapped emotions that lead you to share your feelings with your best friend.....on a lighter note it will pass you we feel better and your next cycle will be off the hook....provided you use nolva post cycle.

  17. #17
    Aguro's Avatar
    Aguro is offline Associate Member
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    Gandolf, shut up and get a life.
    Good luck to you Daem

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