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Thread: losing strength?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    losing strength?

    can i already be losing strength since i did my last pin of test e thursday of last week? when i did my heavy chest last tuesday, on my last set i did 195x6 times after doing 3 buildup/warmup sets. today i did my heavy chest day. i followed the same routing 3 warmup sets and 1 work set and could only manage to get 195 up 3 times. when i tried to push up the fourth my strength was non existent. i actually had to roll the weight to my stomach and then dump them off. the pain i had in my upper arms/shoulders was extremely uncomfortable. the pain went away after about 20 minutes. i know that i will lose strength once i get into the pct and my natural test starts to try to build on its own. maybe last week i had some extra adrenaline pumping or something

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    I don't know what your diet is so that might be the smoking gun (plus a shitty workout routine), but what are your stats?

    **** I just looked at your profile..

    You're 6'0 and 198lbs and you can't bench 200lbs? You should've been able to bench way over that before you started cycling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    ^^^ye thats kinda 160lbs and bench that lol you def gotta work on your workout routine!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    16% bf

    my diet isn't spot on but i get the calories, protein, carbs and fats i need everyday. since i finished my cycle, i put on 25 lbs, and my strength went up considerably. i have a good workout routine. i do a 4 day split. heavy legs on monday, heavy chest/back on tuesday, wed off, thursday light legs, friday light chest/back. thursday's and fridays are made up mostly of unilateral work. i keep the bigger muscle groups to about 12 sets per workout and the smaller muscles around 16 sets per workout. just thought it was a little strange that i couldn't do the same weight one week ago. maybe i didn't get enough sleep the night before.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by borkach View Post
    ^^^ye thats kinda 160lbs and bench that lol you def gotta work on your workout routine!
    what do ya want a cookie? lol

    who are you? Bruce Lee?
    Last edited by lc1213; 08-09-2011 at 07:29 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    ya man !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    i spent the most of last year dropping weight. went from 236lbs-174lbs. during the process, i lifted weights while losing weight and the only thing i did was get toned. i lost a lot of my muscle and strength from my diet. once i lost the weight, i focused more on working my legs and abs for basketball more than working my upper body. i did manage to get nearly a 40" vertical jump which was pretty sweet. now i am just trying to play catch up.

  8. #8
    You cant go into the gym everyday thinking u can do the same weight as last week. Sometimes its more, sometimes its less. You gotta go by feel. There are so many variables that can affect ur workout, diet, sleep, stress, etc. Also it sounds like ur probably overtraining. I would recommend a new workout schedule. Training each bodypart only once every 5-7 days. You should incorperate arms, shoulders, abs and whatever remaining bodyparts you arent working now. Chest and back in same day could work but they are both larger muscle groups and should have their own day in the gym. U could do a larger bodypart with a smaller one, chest and calves for example. Just look into a different workout schedule, try it out and see if your strength/size improve. Also work on fine tuning your diet. Best advice I can give you

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