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  1. #1
    sbarr93033 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002

    Thumbs up Is this a good cycle ?

    I'm thinking of trying this cycle for losing fat and gaining muscle! Let me know what u guys think? Or what can I substitute for better results?

    Week 1 - clen 3 a day / 200mg of deca
    Week 2 - clen 4 a day / 200mg of deca
    Week 3 - cytomel 1 day / 400mg of deca
    Week 4 - cytomel 2 day / 400mg of deca
    Week 5 - clen 3 a day / 400mg of deca
    Week 6 - clen 4 a day / 400mg of deca
    Week 7 - cytomel 1 day / 400mg of deca
    Week 8 - cytomel 2 day / 200mg of deca
    Week 9 - clen 3 day / 200mg of deca
    Week 10 - clen 2 day

  2. #2
    roch's Avatar
    roch is offline Member
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    do not drop the cytomel like that it could cause thyroid damage. you need to read up man. you're gonna hurt yourself. deca needs to remain constant and you need a test in there. I wouldn't even touch the clen until near the end. you can do the cytomel the last six weeks with the clen at the same time for two weeks on two off. actually as a second thought don't even touch the damn cytomel until you learn more about your body. try the clen/eca stack and see how that works. if it doesnt work then try T3 (cytomel). you also need clomid and something for the gyno you can get really easily, but you knew that right?

  3. #3
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2002
    someone else posted this same messed up cycle - might be a repost - not sure. Search - The deca should be constant and maybe even frontloaded - I would also run test. You can run winny the last few weeks as well. Cut or Mass one or the other.

    wk 1-10 3-400mg Deca/wk
    wk 1-10 2-500mg Test/wk
    wk8-13 50mg Winny/ed <--- = every day.

    wk1-8 50mg prop/ed
    wk1-8 75mg tren /ed
    wk3-8 50mg Winny/ed
    To this one - I would add the clen /cytomel .
    Just watch blood pressure on clen and tren at the same time.
    This cycle will leave you with about 91 or so injects - so if you don't like needles - umm - try something else.
    Stats would help a bunch - as you noticed my deca/test recommendations are over a wide range - have you cycled before - if so what - all this adds to the amount and time plus your body and b/f, age, height and weight, with yrs training expir.

  4. #4
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2002
    Oh - and I forgot.

    Clomid 300/100/50 (1day,10days,10days respectively)
    3 weeks after last deca for bulk
    or 3 days after last prop/tren - 8 to 12 hours after last winny.
    I don't forget this for myself - but I am just programed to do that - I forget to post the post cycle stuff sometimes.

  5. #5
    sbarr93033 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002
    Thanks for the info REDRUMKEV!
    My stats r = 5' 8 , 185lb 16bf%
    I started working out when I was 16 yrs old, I' ve been off and on for 11 yrs, I' am 27yrs old know. Im thinking of a cycle because I want quick results and my cuz got great results!!!!

    Also what is the best test?
    What is deca dick? I've read about it but, still a little confused!
    As u could tell I've never cycle before !!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Cock Diesel155's Avatar
    Cock Diesel155 is offline Associate Member
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    Research it, there are tons of threads on deca dick... For Test, you can go with Enanthate , Cyp, or Prop

  7. #7
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Do 250mg a week of enan or cyp. You'll need to keep your diet on par. But you really shoulr do a mass cycle, cut later.


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