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Thread: Nolva/tamox replacement for gyno issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Nolva/tamox replacement for gyno issues

    Ok, so i have a friend who's been in the game for more than 30 years and who gave me some old-school advice. I once told him that it was hard to get tamox/nolva and i need something for gyno. He told me to take 50mg of zinc ED. So i'm currently on 100mg prop ED and 100mg tren EOD. Normally i would take 20mg of tamox/nolva for keeping estrogen under control and avoiding gyno. Seems that is the sweet spot for me. At 10mg of nolva they get too puffy although i dont get the lump or ichy.
    So i recently started the whole zinc thing. Apparently zinc is also good for protein asimilation and even one week without the proper dose of zinc in you will cause a bunch of problems. Now i am on 50mg of zinc ED without any tamox/nolva, same cycle. I cant really tell you more because i didnt research this very deeply but it seems to work for me and i wanted to give a heads up for those who have a hard time getting nolva/tamox. Its worth the try.

    I repeat, what i said is my and my friends personal experience. It worked for us, maybe it'll work for others also.
    Maybe someone will come with more info to back this up or to give an arguement against this theory, although i used it with success and it cant be placebo.
    Last edited by JimmySidewalk; 08-10-2011 at 06:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    FYI, tamoxifen is a SERM, it won't control estrogen it only blocks ot at the receptor.
    If you want to lower your estrogen use an AI (arimidex, aromasin, letrozole).

    This can easily be purchased on the AR-R website at the top of the page. Ask around, it's a legit site. Goodluck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    All of the information below orignates form Eugene Shippen M.D endocrinologist with the exception of the section on DIMS.

    Of all the minerals, Zinc stands out because of the classic deficiency studies that demonstrated the dramatic interference with normal hypothalamic/pituitary function caused by its lack. Severe deficency literally halted changes of puberty in teenage boys, effects which werte rapidly reversed when zinc was restored to normal levels. There would be little need to write about such bizare situations if zinc deficiency were rare. But National Health and Nutrition Surveys- NHANES I, II and III- performed over the last thirty years have consistently shown deficient intake in large segments of society, particularly the aging population.

    Zinc inhibits levels of aromatase the testosterone to estrogen converter. Take at least the RDA limit of zinc, Dr Eugene Shippen M.D recomends taking 50mg of Zinc a day to his patients.

    Seems its a natty ai...

    However when on cycle I use tamox for preventing Gyno

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    @TheClinch Obviously you did not understand what i'm talking about. FYI some people like myself dont have the time to wait for and order or dont have a stable home where they can get shippements. I was talking about a simple replacement for gyno issues for those who cant get their hands on these drugs for whatever reasons.

    @Lemonada8 very good input, it seems there is truth to the theory. I think zinc could be used in conjunction with nolva/tamox thus needing a much lower dose of tamox/nolva, plus its dirt cheap and has a whole spectrum of benefits in proper doses.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sounds interesting, but always been able to get my hands on exemestane or liquidex, both work great as an ai.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I understood just fine what you were getting at. It's clear you do not have your act together enough to use AAS. Have your ancillaries on hand before you start another cycle. This way you won't be looking through the Flinstone Vitamins for cherry flavoured Zinc tablets to stave off gyno because you were ill prepared when you should definately have had an AI such as Arimidex, Aromasin with your SERM just in case.

    You aren't taking tribulus for PCT right?
    Last edited by TheClinch; 08-11-2011 at 06:27 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Jesus, its like i'm talking to a 5 year old.
    Best of luck in life mate, ok ? Now move on to the next thread to boast your "knowledge", maybe the under 10 years old section.

    I'm done with this.

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