Ok, so i have a friend who's been in the game for more than 30 years and who gave me some old-school advice. I once told him that it was hard to get tamox/nolva and i need something for gyno. He told me to take 50mg of zinc ED. So i'm currently on 100mg prop ED and 100mg tren EOD. Normally i would take 20mg of tamox/nolva for keeping estrogen under control and avoiding gyno. Seems that is the sweet spot for me. At 10mg of nolva they get too puffy although i dont get the lump or ichy.
So i recently started the whole zinc thing. Apparently zinc is also good for protein asimilation and even one week without the proper dose of zinc in you will cause a bunch of problems. Now i am on 50mg of zinc ED without any tamox/nolva, same cycle. I cant really tell you more because i didnt research this very deeply but it seems to work for me and i wanted to give a heads up for those who have a hard time getting nolva/tamox. Its worth the try.
I repeat, what i said is my and my friends personal experience. It worked for us, maybe it'll work for others also.
Maybe someone will come with more info to back this up or to give an arguement against this theory, although i used it with success and it cant be placebo.