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Thread: should i be happy with my results and are some people full of crap!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Angry should i be happy with my results and are some people full of crap!

    Stats: 24y/o - 6'0" - 225lbs - 10% bf - Training on/off 5-8 years
    3 natural bb shows last year and was as far as i could take it. so i moved over to the dark side!

    first cycle was 500mg test

    added 1000 cals to my already spot on diet and trained like a bear!

    my question is this, i and seen posts where people had said they gained 30lb after a cycle??????? i have just finished my pct and gained 12lb, 2lb was body fat so in total in 12 weeks i gained and so far kept 9lb, does this sound right? this is no where close to 30lbl ike people have said they have gained??

    was still doing cadio 4 times a week as i love it!!! was today told at the gym not to do cadio why on cycle only when cutting after? as i understand it cadio doesnt waste muscle unless in in extremes??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    That's reasonable for a guy with your stats and training experience.
    These clowns that claim to gain 20-30lbs on a cycle are generally 150lbs to start with, and the majority of these "gains" is just water weight and fat.

    However, I can't tell you for sure that your gear wasn't underdosed, cheating you out of a few lbs (assuming it was UGL). There's just no telling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    At least your are honest...............

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Like B said, because you were at or near your genetic limit your cycle only added a net of 9lbs. The other "claims" are from people who jump straight from the couch to the gym and add muscle water and fat cuz they are not near their potential before hand and have no idea of what a "clean" diet is.

    I say your #s are precisely what you should have expected.

  5. #5
    I gained a ton on my cycle and have kept most oif it. I have pics and a thread in the memebers results forum. long story short after 2 yrs of cancer and surgerys my body was destroyed .. I went from 160 somehting to 210 at the end, im maintaining nicely at 200 almost doen with pct..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I agree with them bro.You had a good cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Most guys that gain 30 lbs lose it immediately afterwards because like Bonaparte said, they weighed 150 lbs. hadn't ever trained and had been eating a alfalpha sprout sandwich with humus only diet until they started the 50 mg ed dianabol only cycle, then ate like a fiend. Guess what happens 2 months later....

    If I can gain 10 lbs of lean muscle a year I consider it a success...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by DGK View Post
    I gained a ton on my cycle and have kept most oif it. I have pics and a thread in the memebers results forum. long story short after 2 yrs of cancer and surgerys my body was destroyed .. I went from 160 somehting to 210 at the end, im maintaining nicely at 200 almost doen with pct..

    And my cat's breath smells like cat food.
    I'm happy to hear you beat cancer, but what was your point here?
    You gained back a bunch of weight from muscle memory, and you're still much smaller than the OP was before he started using.
    So I certainly hope you aren't suggesting that the OP should have put on 40lbs like yourself.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 08-11-2011 at 01:20 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    sounds like you had a good base pre cycle & those figures are pretty much spot on. I have never gained anywhere near 30lbs that's for sure + I started at around 200Lbs.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011

    so you gained 50lb of muscle and kept 40lb? what cycle did you use? that is some mega gains!
    good on you getting over the cancer
    Last edited by munsun86; 08-11-2011 at 05:45 AM. Reason: i forgot to send it to dgk

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gypsy View Post
    sounds like you had a good base pre cycle & those figures are pretty much spot on. I have never gained anywhere near 30lbs that's for sure + I started at around 200Lbs.
    thanks dude

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Most guys that gain 30 lbs lose it immediately afterwards because like Bonaparte said, they weighed 150 lbs. hadn't ever trained and had been eating a alfalpha sprout sandwich with humus only diet until they started the 50 mg ed dianabol only cycle, then ate like a fiend. Guess what happens 2 months later....

    If I can gain 10 lbs of lean muscle a year I consider it a success...
    10lb per year on gear really dosnt sound like alot? it good to have some honest people, everybody bigs it up with there storys of 30lb+. if this was true you could do 10 cycles gain 300lb of muscle and then jay cutler better watch his back with only 274lb lean mass

  13. #13
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    Mar 2009
    I'm of the belief that you shouldn't gain more than a stone on a cycle. If you do then you either took to much gear, gained too much fat or were too small to begin with.10lbs net gain is perfect.

  14. #14
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    Jul 2010
    I take a boat load of gear, but I'm 47 years old and weigh 245-250. 10 is good for me...

  15. #15
    i gaind 50 lbs over all.. im sure not all of it was muscle (as im of sound mind and body and not dellusional) but i did gain 50 lbs of mass, and have kept 40 of it. I ran andropen 275 2x aweek.Alot pf results has to do with diet as well.Again there are b4 cycle, end of cycle and pct pics in the members cycle results forum

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    And my cat's breath smells like cat food.
    I'm happy to hear you beat cancer, but what was your point here?
    You gained back a bunch of weight from muscle memory, and you're still much smaller than the OP was before he started using.
    So I certainly hope you aren't suggesting that the OP should have put on 40lbs like yourself.
    What was your point here? I never suggested the op should have put on weight like myself now did i. I simply answered a question from my experience that the op asked. Now your right as I have stated previously on many threads i used aas to get back to my pre medical problem weight and build bc well it just wasnt hapening naturally. And i never claimed to be bigger then the op,

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    In a hood near you
    Those are good gains.... You could gain more depending on your diet, cardio, and the particular compounds you use. But sound like most of that is g2g. But if its 9lbs lean muscle meaning not a bulk cycle, thats good.

  18. #18
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    And my cat's breath smells like cat food.
    I'm happy to hear you beat cancer, but what was your point here?

    You gained back a bunch of weight from muscle memory, and you're still much smaller than the OP was before he started using.
    So I certainly hope you aren't suggesting that the OP should have put on 40lbs like yourself.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I follow you, DGK.....and congrats on both beating the cancer and getting your body back, man.
    Quote Originally Posted by DGK View Post
    What was your point here? I never suggested the op should have put on weight like myself now did i. I simply answered a question from my experience that the op asked. Now your right as I have stated previously on many threads i used aas to get back to my pre medical problem weight and build bc well it just wasnt hapening naturally. And i never claimed to be bigger then the op,

  20. #20
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by DGK View Post
    i gaind 50 lbs over all.. im sure not all of it was muscle (as im of sound mind and body and not dellusional) but i did gain 50 lbs of mass, and have kept 40 of it. I ran andropen 275 2x aweek.Alot pf results has to do with diet as well.Again there are b4 cycle, end of cycle and pct pics in the members cycle results forum
    i cant believe ppl are dim enough to think this is possible on a typical cycle

  21. #21
    The only thign that was not typical about my cycle was the extremely deteriated state my body was in. Ik my results are not the norm, and ik that they most liekyl are due heavily to muscle memory. But let me assure you the juice gave me the kick start and drive and the diet gave me the fuel. I am not telling the op his result are not good, i as just sharing my results from my first cycle.. Thats all

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