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Thread: Estogen Serum Levels High

  1. #1

    Estogen Serum Levels High

    After doing some research on my #'s I noticed that I have an extremely high estrogen serum count of 113 when it should be around 40-50 and my test levels are low at 350, maybe I don't need TRT? What does an Endo do in these situations?

    Also just read that my Free Testosterone should be around 9.3-26.5 pg/mL and I am at 93.9. What does this now mean. Before I thought I was just high on Estrogen and would need an AI but this has thrown me for a loop!

    Let me know if anyone else has been in this situation.
    Last edited by jtuner77; 08-11-2011 at 09:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    prolly scripts you an AI. You stil have 'normal' values of test and high estrogen. The AI would increase your test and lower the estrogen obivously, but need to have bloodwork to maek sure the dose is correct and monitor it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    How fat are you?

  4. #4
    well I was down to 180 with 15% bf but then all of a sudden i started to feel weak and tired with symptoms of low T and while fighting this I gained 20 lbs back so i am at about 21-23% bf now

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    eat less. Short fasts have been shown to boost test.

  6. #6
    i have cut my diet down to 1800 cals on non workout days and 2200 on workout days, 6 small meals a day.

  7. #7
    More info added!!!!

  8. #8

  9. #9
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    well I was down to 180 with 15% bf but then all of a sudden i started to feel weak and tired with symptoms of low T and while fighting this I gained 20 lbs back so i am at about 21-23% bf now
    Well that largely explains the high estrogen.

  10. #10
    ok just got back from the doc. He says I am fine and cant do shit for me unless I come up under 250. He thinks I might have adrenal fatigue and wants to check my cortisal levels.

    My estradiol test said anything from 0-140 should be fine and I am at 113 but I was reading Crisler's studies and he says you shouldn't be about 70-80 max.

    This doc is a assistant professor and the minute I brought up Crislers Protocol he started talking shit about him and went on an ego trip talking about how he has written two articles/studies on the topic.

    Don't think this dude cares other then wtf the #'s say. He wants me to take another blood test tomorrow and then another in 3 months.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Find a new doc then.

  12. #12
    Anyone have a clue about Adrenal Fatigue?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    Anyone have a clue about Adrenal Fatigue?
    Yeah. Just stop using stimulants and take some time off from the gym.

  14. #14
    have been off anything for 3 months now...only diet and i work out 3 times a week. gaining weight even on a deficit diet.

  15. #15
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    have been off anything for 3 months now...only diet and i work out 3 times a week. gaining weight even on a deficit diet.
    The adrenal fatigue is not the issue, unless you're really stressed out.
    I'd say your best bet is to get on HRT and use an AI until you can get your BF down.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    The adrenal fatigue is not the issue, unless you're really stressed out.
    I'd say your best bet is to get on HRT and use an AI until you can get your BF down.
    I heard adrenal fatigue can caused by many things not just stress, i heard working out too much or too hard. I am thinking of taking some AI to bring down my E levels and see if I start to feel better.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    I heard adrenal fatigue can caused by many things not just stress, i heard working out too much or too hard. I am thinking of taking some AI to bring down my E levels and see if I start to feel better.
    And that clearly is not the issue.

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