Hey guys, I'm about to start a cycle and wanted a little advice/guidance. It's been about 6 years since I cycled. Im in decent shape now and ready to get in to better shape with some gear.
I'm 29, 5'11", 220 lbs, roughly 16% bf.
My first cycle was at about 23. I used test 250 stacked with Equipoise. I like the results for the most part except I gained some pant sizes. I had thick hard mass and was hoping for a little less mass.
Now that my short background is out of the way, the question.
I see the banners on this website for "legal" gear and was wondering if it's legit?
I am looking to buy the strength stack that site offers... I believe it's test600, Var, Deca 200, d-anobol 25.
I like the fact that this site has a planned out stack that's affordable, and also interested in an oral cycle. So before I make my purchase, thoughts?
Also, can I seamlessly transition to an injectable cycle right after or should I do a pct before starting another?
Thanks for the help.