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Thread: Prope cycle, would like some advice from the guys who know best

  1. #1

    Prope cycle, would like some advice from the guys who know best

    Im 24 male from Aus, have done 5 or 6 cycles before, first when i was 19 and didnt know wahat i was doing just wanted to get massive, i put on great size every time but always lose it, i only just became aware of hcg do u think thats y i lose my gains because i hace never taken that?

    Anyway im 82kgs 6,2" and healthy and lean, i want to do a prope cycle i want to know the max amout of prope i can have per week i can have and how long to cycle for and what i can stack with it, i have done prope before and loved the lean look that it gives you but i like to stack it with something so i put on more size to bulk nup just that extra bit, i have enanthate 75mg to mix with it so it doesnt cork as much, also is there any websites in australia u can get tamoxifen (novadex) and hcg from ? or is there any blokes on here from melbourne that can help me out ? cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    This is such an obvious big jumble of lies, stupidity and forum rule breaking that it must surely be a joke...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    This is such an obvious big jumble of lies, stupidity and forum rule breaking that it must surely be a joke...
    if only...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    You've done 5 or 6 cycles and are only 82 kgs at 6'2.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    This is such an obvious big jumble of lies, stupidity and forum rule breaking that it must surely be a joke...
    This , OP went full retard.

  6. #6
    No lies, and whats this retard bullshit ? I was just looking for some advice which is really hard to get and i dont know where to ask, All i can go off is what mates say but still obviously isnt right, thanks for the sarcasm answers, waste of time.

  7. #7
    Seriously people the guy is asking for advise not sarcasm, were here to share our info around and help each other not make fun of each other.. you were meant to take tamoxifen but its hard to get hold of especially in Australia as you cant even get it into Australia..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Worlds Largest Island
    Your source should be able to get it for you...If not order some thru ar-r up top ^ ....My last shipment was opened by customs & they let it thru...

  9. #9
    do you recon they will let sus or deca in??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by deathrow69 View Post
    Seriously people the guy is asking for advise not sarcasm, were here to share our info around and help each other not make fun of each other.. you were meant to take tamoxifen but its hard to get hold of especially in Australia as you cant even get it into Australia..
    Is that why "we" are here? To give info to guy's based on lies and source fishin? I'm not even going to enumerate the ways this is bullshit but if you feel like telling this guy (with 5-6 cycles under his belt) what tamox is and what it's for. You, my friend, have gone full retard.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by deathrow69 View Post
    do you recon they will let sus or deca in??
    Oh, and yea, Aus is known for letting people import sust and deca, just not prop and masteron.....retard!!!

  12. #12
    Why would i lie ? and yeah isnt this a forum to discuss steroid use and seek information about steroids you... Im not your friend keep your retard comments to yourself, i say 5 - 6 cycles but i havnt done them properly im not talking it up if thats what your trying to say... Is there anyone that can take me serious unlike this bloke that doesnt stop looking at himself in the mirror? people in USA obviously have alot more knowledge than Australians, give me a break just trying to do this next cycle properly and keep as much size i can.. thanks

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    heres a proper cycle

    test 8-10 weeks
    nolvadex 20-40 mg 3-4 weeks after last ester has run out(pct)

    start there and add a simple dht oral to start...throw away ur old bro knowlege and stay on the forums a while reading and doing research ull be fine as long as ur old enough to cycle 22+(minimum)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    no need for hcg it makes things more complicated this early in the game for u

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by texas8787 View Post
    Why would i lie ? and yeah isnt this a forum to discuss steroid use and seek information about steroids you... Im not your friend keep your retard comments to yourself, i say 5 - 6 cycles but i havnt done them properly im not talking it up if thats what your trying to say... Is there anyone that can take me serious unlike this bloke that doesnt stop looking at himself in the mirror? people in USA obviously have alot more knowledge than Australians, give me a break just trying to do this next cycle properly and keep as much size i can.. thanks
    This thread is sapping my IQ points...unsubbed.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Last edited by akba; 08-13-2011 at 10:50 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by texas8787 View Post
    Why would i lie ? and yeah isnt this a forum to discuss steroid use and seek information about steroids you... Im not your friend keep your retard comments to yourself, i say 5 - 6 cycles but i havnt done them properly im not talking it up if thats what your trying to say... Is there anyone that can take me serious unlike this bloke that doesnt stop looking at himself in the mirror? people in USA obviously have alot more knowledge than Australians, give me a break just trying to do this next cycle properly and keep as much size i can.. thanks
    You didnt loose everything because you didnt have HCG. You have a poor diet. So no matter what you cycle or what you take after it you will loose your gains. Dont take anything and fix your real problems. Go to the diet section of the board

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