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  1. #1
    activia is offline New Member
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    Few questions about first cycle


    Some time in the future i plan on doing Test E cycle. But i have a couple of questions that seems to have all kinds of answers.

    1. is 16% BF too high? or does it depend on each individual. Like i got 22inch arms with my triceps and biceps nicely lined out and so is my back and other muscle groups, Yeah i dont have mu abs fully out but in the future do i really have to cut down before AAS. Or is it more like, no i dont have to cut down but i would make better gains? Becos i have found topics in other forums which say that haveing 16% wont cos any more estrogen related sides then 6%?

    2. Dbol ? I just want to know that the use of dbol as a kickstart. Does the 4 weeks of it give more to the cycle or is it like temporary feeling, like becos it is such a short period of dbol. then will the small gains i get out of it would last or just start disapearing after Test takes over?

    3.I know Test E is what people recommend as a first cycle but just for future knowledge what other compound would you add to the cycle and why? (not dbol)

    4. Finally the HCG . One group says during the cycle! other that you should use it after! Then between cycle and pct, and some say never. I just wanted to ask that becos Test E 500mg / week is not such a huge dose, then is the HCG really nesecery during the cycle? One top lvl NPC bodybuilder told me to save it for after the cycle.

    22y old
    15-16%% BF
    Been lifting: 3+ years, 2 years seriously

  2. #2
    mani_bono's Avatar
    mani_bono is offline Associate Member
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    i know! the most annoying thing is must of the people are talking from their respective experience and it's pure bro science! so practically it's BS!

    there is no scientifically proven evidence that which works better HCG during or after cycle. so I guess you gotta experience yourself and see which one works better for you. plus just being top NPC bodybuilder doesn't mean shit, he may know his body perfectly good but still he doesn't know anything about you.

  3. #3
    activia is offline New Member
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    Yeah i quess your right. I was kinda thinking about starting useing it like on a 10th week (12 week cycle ) and end 2 weeks after final Test E shot. and before pct.

  4. #4
    yearightbuddy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by activia View Post

    Some time in the future i plan on doing Test E cycle. But i have a couple of questions that seems to have all kinds of answers.

    1. is 16% BF too high? or does it depend on each individual. Like i got 22inch arms with my triceps and biceps nicely lined out and so is my back and other muscle groups, Yeah i dont have mu abs fully out but in the future do i really have to cut down before AAS. Or is it more like, no i dont have to cut down but i would make better gains? Becos i have found topics in other forums which say that haveing 16% wont cos any more estrogen related sides then 6%?
    Yes, the more fat you have the more aromatization that happens. Take that as you will

    2. Dbol ? I just want to know that the use of dbol as a kickstart. Does the 4 weeks of it give more to the cycle or is it like temporary feeling, like becos it is such a short period of dbol. then will the small gains i get out of it would last or just start disapearing after Test takes over?
    I always encourage test e only cycles, to see how you react to test which will be the bas of ALL your future cycles. You can go ahead and use dbol but i dont recommend it for first user.

    3.I know Test E is what people recommend as a first cycle but just for future knowledge what other compound would you add to the cycle and why? (not dbol)
    Proviron. Best possible thing you can do to help your gains.

    4. Finally the HCG . One group says during the cycle! other that you should use it after! Then between cycle and pct, and some say never. I just wanted to ask that becos Test E 500mg / week is not such a huge dose, then is the HCG really nesecery during the cycle? One top lvl NPC bodybuilder told me to save it for after the cycle.
    Look most people are misinformed. Yes HCG has been shown to reset Ind. Test in many studies but ALL these studies are on guys who are already at low T and TRT. IMO, Hcg is to keep your boys working and prevent total(just about) shutdown. I see no point in using HCG during PCT especially if you already have a good PCT set up. Use it throughout cycle and stop before PCT and you prevent a lot of problems.

    22y old
    15-16%% BF
    Been lifting: 3+ years, 2 years seriously

  5. #5
    activia is offline New Member
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    im 6.2ft

    Okey but what do you think about Test E cycle and on the final 4 weeks through in Winny?

  6. #6
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mani_bono View Post
    i know! the most annoying thing is must of the people are talking from their respective experience and it's pure bro science! so practically it's BS!

    there is no scientifically proven evidence that which works better HCG during or after cycle. so I guess you gotta experience yourself and see which one works better for you. plus just being top NPC bodybuilder doesn't mean shit, he may know his body perfectly good but still he doesn't know anything about you.

    just checkin ur other threads OP... and found this wrong statement...

    There is induced knowledge on the usage of HCG . but as for a direct study of it, No because well steroids are illegeal and why would there be studies that are aimed on how to use AAS properly? There are a couple info threads on HCG (i wrote one, and swifto wrote one) that are backed by studies. you should take time and read them. any further questions/arguements just find me and ill gladly discuss/debate it with ya :-)

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