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Thread: Stepping up Anavar a waste??

  1. #1

    Stepping up Anavar a waste??

    So here is my situation. Im currently trying to cut, Im about 500-600 calories below my maintenance and have actually increased my protein intake and lowered my carbs a bit, still pretty close to 40/40/20. I am in a bootcamp like situation for the next 3 months and was wanting to use this time to shred down to about 4% BF. I only have enough for 5 weeks worth of Var at 40mg a day.

    Question is: Will it make a difference if I do a week or 2 at 20 mg and then ramp up to stretch out the cycle. Or just do 5 wks at 40mg. Or say screw AT&T this month and buy another bottle LOL?

    (Also going to run Sus250 at 500mg a week)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    please post your stats:
    age, height, weight, cycle experience, etc.

  3. #3
    what a waste anyway ,.40mgs var will do jack shit imo ,best dose fopr var is 80-100mgs ed imo

  4. #4
    Oops sorry!

    I am 32, 5' 10" 190 lbs right now and about 11-12% BF. I have ran Sust by itself. And Sust and winni together. Winni F**KED me up as far as joint pain goes but I did have some gains and strength increase. I have been lifting for about 3 years and Im in the fitness industry. If it wasnt for the joint pain I would pick winni over Var just for price. I might run some in the fall with Deca. But for now im cutting with Var

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by iphone View Post
    what a waste anyway ,.40mgs var will do jack shit imo ,best dose fopr var is 80-100mgs ed imo
    I do realise it is on the lower side of a dose. Im not looking for HUGE gains, most will come from diet I'm just looking for a little bump. I get my Var from South America and after shipping and such I would estimate 800-100mg ed would cost me around $ALOT... Not really cost effective if you ask me.
    Last edited by Fighter620; 08-12-2011 at 11:33 AM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by iphone View Post
    what a waste anyway ,.40mgs var will do jack shit imo ,best dose fopr var is 80-100mgs ed imo
    I do realise it is on the lower side of a dose. Im not looking for HUGE gains, most will come from diet I'm just looking for a little bump. I get my Var from South America and after shipping and such I would estimate 800-100mg ed would cost me around $ALOT... Not really cost effective if you ask me.
    Last edited by Fighter620; 08-12-2011 at 10:59 AM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Fighter620 View Post
    I do realise it is on the lower side of a dose. Im not looking for HUGE gains, most will come from diet I'm just looking for a little bump. I get my Var from South America and after shipping and such I would estimate 800-100mg ed would cost me around $1000... Not really cost effective if you ask me.
    then dont run it if you cant affourd it ,you will totaly waste you money on 40mgs var ed..

  8. #8
    I see ALOT of posts out there about running 40mg ed being very successful. Plus with the Sust should produce some nice gains IMHO. Any one else have any thought or experience of Var at or around 40mg? If anything I would stretch out my cycle another 3 weeks and keep the dosage the same. I do appreciate your info though! Thanks bro.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Fighter620 View Post
    I do realise it is on the lower side of a dose. Im not looking for HUGE gains, most will come from diet I'm just looking for a little bump. I get my Var from South America and after shipping and such I would estimate 800-100mg ed would cost me around $1000... Not really cost effective if you ask me.
    please edit. price discussion is not allowed.

  10. #10
    40mg for a 5 week run is fine. Your results won't be dramatic with just the Anavar at 40mg/ed but combine that with your diet and I think you'll see a nice drop in fat and increase in lean muscle mass.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Fighter620 View Post
    I see ALOT of posts out there about running 40mg ed being very successful. Plus with the Sust should produce some nice gains IMHO. Any one else have any thought or experience of Var at or around 40mg? If anything I would stretch out my cycle another 3 weeks and keep the dosage the same. I do appreciate your info though! Thanks bro.
    I believe the ppl running @ 40 mg ed with any success are first timers. you have a few cycles under your belt and probably wouldn't respond much to 40 mg var. you'll just end up being upset you spent a bunch of money for little result!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    If the Var is good quality, 40mg should be fine for your goals.

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