Thread: pct risk or benefit??
08-12-2011, 12:27 PM #1
pct risk or benefit??
I know we always talk about the dangers of anabolic abuse and not letting the body recover but looking at the chemical effects on the body of tomax and clomid it seems like the pct drugs are harsher on the system then the roids. Looking at the side effects of these chems do you really think its safe to be on these for 2-3 months out of the year. Obviously its better than no pct. Correct me if im wrong but it seems like we should be more worried about our pct drugs side effects more then test sides. Any insight on this? Or am I wrong and anti estros arnt really that toxic?
08-12-2011, 12:52 PM #2
I think we all have some concern about the PCT chems we use but we deal with possible side effects because the upside of getting back to natural levels is so important. Its the same with aas, we know theres some side effect potential but the upside is so good we are willing to use the compounds anyway. Not to mention that we are all affected differently by the chems. But you're right side caused by PCT chem are a concern.
08-12-2011, 12:56 PM #3
no i'm not worried. When you look at the studies for lets say nolva. The are for people on them a usually a minimum of 2 years with sometimes more then 5 years.
Read the side effects of any prescription drug or some OTC they are all scary to an extent
08-12-2011, 01:04 PM #4
I agree witht the bold 100% and i understand that, but Thats interesting about nolva for 2 + years I didnt know that... Now is that for men tho or women? I would assume the sides and risks would be somwhat gender dependant too correct? I just feel like if your doing 2-3 cycles per year then 9 out of 12 months we are f!ucking with our hormones with chems. Just looking at big picture it seems like there maybe more risk then we think when you think about how 75% of the time your on some sort of hormone replacement
08-12-2011, 01:07 PM #5
Well nolva is typically used to treat breast cancer. So mostly women.
08-12-2011, 01:31 PM #6
And cancer is very serious sshit so using anything that could possibly reverse it would be a no brainer. Kinda like chemo therapy is terrible for your body but theres no better alternative so its the lesser of the 2 evils. I guess what i mean is what risks are we running by using serms a couple months out of the year? Does anti estrogens inhibit our body form producing estrogen naturally like roids do to our test?
08-12-2011, 01:40 PM #7
all drugs scrip or otc have side or the possibility of sides so it is simple fact of whether you feel the desired affect of the drug is worth the possible sides.
08-12-2011, 03:21 PM #8
fair enough. ANd i believe having my test back is worth the risk thats why I use pct everytime. But just makes me think that maybe the pct is actually worse for us. Do we get a tollerance to serms? If so would we need a higher and higher dose each cycle to recover ? Sorry about keeping this thread going on but I never see this really discussed and was pondering
08-12-2011, 06:17 PM #9
I don't have any links on this or a scientific explanation Brad. My own personal experiences with anythign that u take for a long period of time is that u build a tolerance to it. I don't believe tht using pct meds for that short of a period wiht months on end before u do it again would build a tolerance. Your not taking it consistently enough. I'm talking about standard pct for basic cycles. I mean sh*t if I drank a 12 pack a day for a month i'm going to have a tolerance and need more to get the same effect. If you stop for awhile after this duration and go to drink, u would reach the same effect on much less. U can say this about any chemical...kinda cliche but moderation is always key.
08-12-2011, 06:23 PM #10
08-15-2011, 09:56 AM #11
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