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  1. #1
    ANIMAL's Avatar
    ANIMAL is offline Associate Member
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    How long do I run HCG for and how many iu's/week?

    I am nearing the end of my cycle and for whatever reason I've looked past taking HCG throughout the whole cycle . I have been feeling the effects of not having it in my system. I do suggest everyone read more about HCG and incorporating it into your cycle , because I know a lot of people don't.

    My question is, now that I have it and I'm basically done with my cycle I've read that I should be jump starting the process of getting my LH levels back to normal by doing 1,000iu 3 times in the first week and then dropping down to 250-500iu twice a week thereafter. Can anyone confirm this? If not, should I just do 250iu twice a week? Either way, how long do you run HCG for and do I run it before I start my PCT or during. Should I incorporate an AI as well?

    I have clomid and nolvadex for my pct , although I've been reading people have been dropping clomid from their pct and just running nolvadex . I hate how there's so many threads saying to do one thing and then another thread saying something different. Sometimes it's hard to get a straight/right answer.

    Here was my cycle :

    Test Prop 1-12 100mg EOD
    Anavar 1-8 60mg ED
    Masteron 6-12 100mg EOD

    I'm 25, this isn't my first cycle. Although it seems as though some things are still unclear to me.

    I am also thinking that my estrogen levels may be too high. I do have slight signs of gyno that haven't been present my whole cycle but recently. I am experiencing heavy fatigue from the moment I wake up until I goto sleep. I took letro before i started my cycle because I had gyno and it went away. Then stopped and didn't run an AI throughout my whole cycle.

    My PCT that I think would suit my needs the best is one8nine's setup:

    (-2)-2:hcg 500iu 2x a week
    1-6: nolva 20mg ed
    1-4: clomid 25mg ed
    1-4: aromasin 50mg ed

    All the help is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by ANIMAL; 08-17-2011 at 07:58 AM.

  2. #2
    ANIMAL's Avatar
    ANIMAL is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2010
    Anyone want to give some insight on my research...
    Last edited by ANIMAL; 08-17-2011 at 07:59 AM.

  3. #3
    koko1 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2011

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