Which do you guys think is the best single AS cycle for making slow, undramatic lean mass gains over 8-12 weeks?
Test Prop
Test Enan
Which do you guys think is the best single AS cycle for making slow, undramatic lean mass gains over 8-12 weeks?
I voted for test prop-just for the situation stated, but i would personally never do a single AAS cycle.
enan IMO @ 750mg/wk IMO.....for single use.
gained tons of strength on fina bot that much weight on it though
gotta be careful with those strength gains....i jumped up to benching 330 too quick and now my right elbow hurts like a Biatch......
Hey, where's d-bol? As I have nothing to add to this thread other than what I've heard or been told, I am forced to fall back on humor.
Testosterone is the best all around AAS. It is very powerful and covers all bases for growth. It operates by a variety of mechanisms. Other steroids usually just emphasize one aspect of what testosterone does. There is NO difference between esters. People who claim that testosterone propionate causes less aromatization do not understand how esters work. The only difference is injection frequency. If anyone has a good argument against that, I would like to hear it. Of course, you asked for slow gains. Test may not be it. You may want a weak drug like primo if you want weak gains.
It sounds like you just want to put on a little lean mass without alot of bloat, etc. If that is the case, maybe consider running just deca. Research all the different AAS on the main page, maybe that will give you a better idea of what will work with your goals.
The reason I was asking about slow gains is because I gained 35 pounds in 10 weeks on Fina/Winny, even though I lost most of it post cycle. This time I can't gain too much too fast....too many people were suspicious last time and I can't have that problem again.
Fina by far for a SOLO run but, I would say it is Better to mix!!! And it would be wise (BEST) to mix Class I and Class II Anabolics to get your best gains and hit all the different recptors and pathways to building Muscle!!!
test is best!Originally posted by Sigmund Froid
Testosterone is the best all around AAS. It is very powerful and covers all bases for growth. It operates by a variety of mechanisms. Other steroids usually just emphasize one aspect of what testosterone does. There is NO difference between esters. People who claim that testosterone propionate causes less aromatization do not understand how esters work. The only difference is injection frequency. If anyone has a good argument against that, I would like to hear it. Of course, you asked for slow gains. Test may not be it. You may want a weak drug like primo if you want weak gains.
I know what you are talking about when I started everyone was asking what I was taking and if I could get them some So I started wearing baggy clothesOriginally posted by latman49
The reason I was asking about slow gains is because I gained 35 pounds in 10 weeks on Fina/Winny, even though I lost most of it post cycle. This time I can't gain too much too fast....too many people were suspicious last time and I can't have that problem again.
Thanks for the input guys. I have to think long and hard about this one.
I think this is a good answer. If you took 50mg of Test Prop ED this would elevate you to a better anabolic environment than you endogenous levels. And sides should be minimal. Test Prop/Proviron 50mg/50mg EDOriginally posted by Sigmund Froid
Testosterone is the best all around AAS. It is very powerful and covers all bases for growth. It operates by a variety of mechanisms. Other steroids usually just emphasize one aspect of what testosterone does. There is NO difference between esters. People who claim that testosterone propionate causes less aromatization do not understand how esters work. The only difference is injection frequency. If anyone has a good argument against that, I would like to hear it. Of course, you asked for slow gains. Test may not be it. You may want a weak drug like primo if you want weak gains.
But another answer is also to not take part in AAS if it causes attention you don't want.
I'd go with test.
Sounds like a good problem to have! I'd go with test personally.Originally posted by latman49
too many people were suspicious last time and I can't have that problem again.
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