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Thread: Please HELP! Why am I still bloated!?!????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Please HELP! Why am I still bloated!?!????

    Hey I'm 16 weeks into a 18 week cycle. This is my 3rd cycle, I know a bit too long....but anyhow this is what I did. Week 1-8 I was on:

    750mg Test E EW
    400MG Deca EW

    With no ai, during these 8 weeks I was on a bulking diet eating lots of carbs and at a +500 calorie surplus. I started at 200lbs 14% BF finished at 240lbs 17% BF. So I gained 40lbs during the 8 weeks. My height is 6'1.

    I started a cutting diet from week 8. So week 8-10 I was on:

    100mg Prop EOD
    with EC stack.

    Week 12-18 I went on:

    100mg Prop EOD
    75mg Tren ace EOD
    0.5 Arimidex EOD

    I'm now at week 16 and I'm down to 205lbs. So I've shredded 35lbs in about 8 weeks times. My problem is I'm still holding a shit of water in my stomach?? I have veins everywhere in the arms and shoulders, my face has even dropped the water retention my I still do not have visible abs unless flexed or after I train them because of all the abdominal water weight. Why is this? I do 45 minutes cardio a day, drink 5L of water, only 120g complex carbs and my sodium is VERY low. I'm also taking 0.5 Adex EOD, I do not think I'd need more for 400mg prop a week do I?

    Both of these pictures are me at 240lbs. As you can see I wasn't THAT bloated to begin with, I was holding a bit of water but you would think after dropping 35lbs I'd be damn lean. Any input on how to drop the water weight???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Well one of the first things we have to remember is that the stomach will be the very last place to give up fat and water, this is something we all contend with..

    I would get bloods taken, as this will give an indication of where your estrogen is and i would also run your dex at .5 ed......
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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