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Thread: run an AI if you had gyno at a young age ???

  1. #1

    Thumbs up run an AI if you had gyno at a young age ???

    13 stone
    13% b,f

    about to start my first ever cycle and am running propionate eod @ 100mg and was wondering if i should be running an AI during my cycle ?? when i was younger i think i may have had slight gyno under my left nipple that went natually. i have no lumps or bumps now tho. i would rather not use an AI if possible but do you think i should just in case or would it be a better idea to just have it on hand incase gyno symptons start then take it from their ?? and at that dose is it quite low and rare for gyno to accour ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    better to be safe than sorry, I would get some aromasin and have it ready just in case.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Why did u post this thread again?

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