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Thread: Overtraining while on a cycle.

  1. #1

    Overtraining while on a cycle.

    Almost have everything lined out for my first cycle, just waiting on the hcg. I'll be running Test-E at 600mg for 10 weeks. Anyway, recently I have plateaued and had to take a few steps back to realize why. After seeking advice I realize part of it was my diet and the other part was from over training. It was getting to the point to where I was sometimes spending three hours in the gym, and I'm trying to bulk, not cut. Most of it was just that I love lifting and sometimes get in that groove to where I literally don't want to stop until I drop. I'm just curious to know that once I get on my cycle if that will allow me to over train and still see maximum results.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Training this way most often hinders gains.

    What does your training program look like right now?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Remember your muscles may respond great to over training on a cycle initially, but your tendons and ligaments will have something to say about that.

    Your cns may have a few words with you also.

    With regards to over training, i would suggest occasionally blasting week points. For example, sometimes on chest i would hit it in the morning then in the evening or maybe hit it two days running. Doing this maybe twice per cycle could give a week muscle an extra boost.

    Use common sense though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas, Texas
    I hit every muscle group twice a week on and off cycle with no recovery issues. Just see better gains on AAS. I think diet is also key to recovery. If the nutrition isn't there when the muscles need it recovery doesn't occur as well. Post up your routine/ diet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    CNS recovery is the problem

  6. #6
    Cool, I'll give it a shot. I've actually stepped down my training because I realized I was sabotaging myself. After changing my diet and training, I'm back to seeing size gains again, finally, but still nothing on the scale. Don't really get that but it's only been about two weeks so I'll have to give it a little more time. My training is kind of in a flux right now, been trying out different things. For example though, today when I go to the gym today it'll be chest and biceps. I'll start off with doing incline bench for 5 reps at as much weight as I can handle while keeping form and then head over to do spider curls for around 10 reps and finishing off a few more reps only using 6 to 8 count negatives. I'll do five sets of those. The second part of my workout will involve working the same two muscle groups but I'll be doing most likely flat bench flys and alternating dumbbell curls at a higher rep range to do some more fine tearing of the muscle tissue and really pump some blood into them. I'll also do 5 sets of those. Since I've switched over to this about a two weeks ago I'm finally starting to see results again, all be it slow. Normally before I would have gone on to do one or two more sets after the first two. I enjoyed doing that and when I left the gym I was literally dead, but I was seeing excruciatingly slow progress. When I train I almost always go with heavier weight and stay almost completely away from lower weight higher reps. When I drop the weight and go for higher reps that absolute max amount of reps I'll hit is 20, usually not more than 15. Anyway, to end this long winded post, I know that over training can hinder growth, especially when I'm training naturally at the moment. I just want to know if I can get away with killing myself while I'm on a cycle and still see optimum results. If I can't, I won't, just curious. As far as my joints are concerned, I've learned that lesson the hard way and know how to read the signals my body is giving me.

  7. #7
    Do you think for a cycle it would be better to cut down on the volume to decrease the risk of injury? I've had shoulder and knee problems in the past, well both were over 2 years ago and they were isolated incidents but it still is a worry for me. I'm currently doing a push, pull, leg spilt going to the gym 5 days a week (2 on 1 off) and I probably do 20-25 sets per workout, if I ever did a cycle would it benifit me more for my joints sake to cut down on this?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bro you are spending way to much time in the gym.You need to rethink your routine.You dont grow in the gym.Your body needs time to rest and recoup.Topps 1 hr if you cant get it done in that amount of time.Your bullshitin to much.Ask any Vet here.

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