Okay, so I had a very similar thread like this a couple weeks ago. I have hit a plateau in my bulking phase; I've stayed the same weight and no increase in strength for the past 3 months. I started bulking in February, and I gained 25 pounds from Feb to May. Strength also went through the roof. I was eating 3,700 clean cals/day. Then, the gains, all of a sudden, came to a hault. I bumped cals up to 4,300 and still no change. Right now, I weigh 189 pounds (starting from 164), and I've never weighed over 192 in my life (even when I cycled years ago); 192 was my max weight.

My stats right now are 5'9" 189lbs ~15%bf 27years old. I would like to put on another 8-10 pounds of lean before my cutting phase. I just need to break through this plateau! I am contemplating running a Test E cycle to get where I want to be. The problem I have with this is am I going to be able to maintain that extra 10 pounds of lean through diet and training alone? I don't want to HAVE to take AAS just to maintain it; I just want to use it to get me there. I'm really stressing out as all my attempts of getting past this point have been futile.

So, what do you think? If I use AAS to break through this plateau and take my physique up a level, can I maintain it naturally? Thoughts?