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Thread: How does this look?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    How does this look?

    I am trying to gain some mass while cutting up which i know is really hard to do but can be done, how does this cycle look

    Weeks 1-6- test prop 50mg ed
    Weeks 1-6- tren 75mg ed
    Weeks 1-6- winstrol 50mg ed
    Weeks 1-6- T3/ clen (doses vary) (i know with the clen 2 on 2 off)

    or should i do this:

    Weeks 1-4- D-bol 40mg ed
    Weeks 1-10- test enan 600mg
    Weeks 7-12- tren 75mg ed
    Weeks 7-12- winstrol 50mg ed
    Weeks 7-12- T3/Clen

    i know the second one is more for mass and then cutting and the first one is mainly for cutting but if you guys have any advice on which one or a new one or any other comments it would be really helpful.

    I really want to run EQ because it is my all time favorite, but unfortunatly it is in your system too long and i may be getting tested for it.

    Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    well here's my cycle:

    1-10 Enan 500mg/wk
    1-10 EQ 400mg/wk (sorry you cant run it )
    10-18 Prop 100mg/ed
    10-18 Tren 75mg/ed
    10-18 winny 50mg/ed

    solid cycle if you ask me. Bulk toward the front, cut toward the last part.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    you can run my cycle minus the eq, bump up the test to 600-700mg, run dbols for the first 4 weeks at 50mg/ed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    yeah it sucks that i can't use the EQ, it is my all time favorite. I like your cycle with the d-bol, it is similar to the last cycle i ran, but i just didn't have the tren in it and had deca for the first 10 weeks. I have never used tren before, what are your feelings about it and did you experience any side effects especially with your kidneys?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    nope, tren is the shit! definitley would recomend it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Originally posted by Clipse
    well here's my cycle:

    1-10 Enan 500mg/wk
    1-10 EQ 400mg/wk (sorry you cant run it )
    10-18 Prop 100mg/ed
    10-18 Tren 75mg/ed
    10-18 winny 50mg/ed

    solid cycle if you ask me. Bulk toward the front, cut toward the last part.

    why run the winny for 8 weeks? thats over kill, especially since you already have fina in there, 8 weeks compared to 6 is going to give you no difference other than a worse liver..and why not just split the cycles up and run one as a bulk and then one as a cut....Madmax...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hey bro I didnt think that you could bulk up and stay cut at the same time but I did. Your first cycle is perfect except for the t3/clen part I dont know anyhting about t3 but you probably wont need those two. Whats your weight? I started at 177 and stopped at 189. I put on a nice 12lbs and the love handles only got a little smaller. Not bad for a bulikng cycle.

    If youre over 200 then I would bump the prop and tren to put on a little more mass.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by Clipse
    nope, tren is the shit! definitley would recomend it.

    Well, lets not jump the gun. Tren is a very strong steroid(3x as androgenic in comparison to Test) so to completely cast aside possible sides would be hazardous.
    Tren is rejected by some and renders far worse sides than gains. I for one had no troubles, and most people for that matter will probably have a successfull run with it, but the possibility of an adverse effect should always be considered.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    my stats are 6'2 225 15% body fat, i've done 4 cycles in the past, mainly just bulkers, no i am trying to gain a little but at the same time lose fat so i would be thrilled if at the end of this cycle i was 230-235 and about 9% least that is my goal. I think this is the cycle that i am going to do let me know:

    Week 1-4- 40mg d-bol per day
    Week 4-10- 50mg test prop per day
    Week 4-10- 75mg tren per day
    Week 5-10- 50mg winny per day

    that should be good, i can bulk up for the first 4 weeks and then start cutting it down weeks 5-10...let me know what ya think.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Originally posted by tryin2getbig
    my stats are 6'2 225 15% body fat, i've done 4 cycles in the past, mainly just bulkers, no i am trying to gain a little but at the same time lose fat so i would be thrilled if at the end of this cycle i was 230-235 and about 9% least that is my goal. I think this is the cycle that i am going to do let me know:

    Week 1-4- 40mg d-bol per day
    Week 4-10- 50mg test prop per day
    Week 4-10- 75mg tren per day
    Week 5-10- 50mg winny per day

    that should be good, i can bulk up for the first 4 weeks and then start cutting it down weeks 5-10...let me know what ya think.
    10 weeks of 17AA orals. Big no no right there. Drop the dbol at the start, its unnecessary. I'd rearrange the cycle to look like this...

    wk 1-8 prop @ 50mg ED (preferable to run 75mg/ED IMO)
    wk 1-8 tren @ 50mg ED
    wk 1-8 var @ 50mg ED

    if you can't get var then I'd run winny for the last 6 wks of the cycle...8 weeks is pushing it on winny.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    i don't know what var is so that doesn't help. Let me know. Also i wasn't going to run winny for 8 weeks, only 6. I think i might do your cycle but 8 weeks of prop is going to be a pain in the ass, a lot of scar tissue but i'll see what happens. I'll probably do this:

    Week 1-8- test prop 75mg/day
    Week 1-8- tren 75mg/day
    Week 3-8- winny 50mg/day

    then add some clen in there

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    var = Anavar, Oxandrolone.

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