Hi guys,
Thanks in advance for any feedback or suggestions. I was looking into picking up some gear for the first time. I've been working out again for just over a year, after falling away from it for a number of years, while slowly but surely cleaning up my diet along the way. I'm at the point now where I'm happy with what I have put together workout/diet wise, but seem to be stalling out somewhat results wise towards getting the physique I'm looking for. Not looking to get big at all, just want to lean up.
I'm currently 27, and although strenght is increasing I looking to get a little help getting more defined. I've been researching here and on the net recently and was ready to pull the trigger on some anavar online, but after reading and looking around it seems like its hard to find the real deal, and I dont think i want to roll the dice on something I dont trust. I have a source for winstrol around my city, so I;m kind of leaning towards that as even though its a but less desirable an option for me.
My friend has been pushing me towards test, but I think for my first time I'd like to try an oral, with a good pct and from there, re-evaluate my goals and decide what direction I want to go. Again, not looking for size, but strenght gain and definition are really what I'm looking for.
sorry for the long post, but any help would be awesome