I am on week 4 of my test prop cycle.. I am using approx 490mg/week and will be running this for 10 weeks. I had originally purchased some HCG from a source, which I found out during week 1 it was bunk... I am now in my 4th week and debating if it is worth getting more from a diff source.
I have seen many people on here debate whether it is necessary or not on such a mild cycle.
Do you guys think it would be a wise choice to pick some up and start using it within the next few days? If so, maybe do 500 e3d for 2-3 days then switch to 250 e3d. I figure this would make my PCT much easier and help me keep more of my gains. Or is it really not worth it and just ride out the next 6 weeks? I have nolva and clomid for PCT