Originally Posted by
The Incredible Dump
Saying 215lbs at 6ft is incredibly small is stupid. Just because he's done a cycle before doesn't mean he's going to jump to 300lbs. Everyone reacts differently and even at 215lbs if you're lean and not a pro then you have to be pretty pleased with yourself.
And only a behemoth could call 215lb 6footer small.
I take it you must be atleast 350lbs of lean muscle for you to carry such an ego?
I'm 6ft 1 and a few years ago I was only 145lbs due to health reasons and I looked awfull. I've trained real hard, ate well etc and now I'm 238lbs and I don't feel like I look in any way small for being 6ft 1. Sure there's plenty bigger guys out there than me but, I've passed the stage of ever being referred to as small by anyone, ever.
Why tear someone down so badly?