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Thread: Test E vs DBOL

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Test E vs DBOL

    Hey guys. Last winter I did a dbol only cycle for five weeks. I did 30mg ED and did a 3 week PCT with novla and clomid. I didnt have one negative side effect. I felt the same on cycle, during PCT, and after PCT. No ED, no lose of sex drive, no hair growth, my balls didnt shrink. I plan on running test E this fall and I have read the sides for dbol and test are pretty much the same. So what im asking is since my body tolerated the dbol so well there is a pretty good chance my body will tolerate test e pretty well? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Houston, TX
    Thats not a safe assumption. Sounds to me like you got lucky.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Apples and oranges.

    Try test e and see how you respond to it...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheClinch View Post
    Apples and oranges.

    Try test e and see how you respond to it...
    Yeah thats kind of what I thought. I guess well see

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    Is my test low?
    Height: 6'-2"
    Age: 21
    Weight: 200lbs

    Hey guys... lately ive been feeling tired like I cant get enough sleep ( I sleep atleast 8 hours every night), low ambition, I have always had a good sex drive but this weekend you wouldnt know it. I can usually have sex 2 or 3 times a day but my girl griend came home this weekend and I could barely get an erection and it took forever to ejaculate and my sex drive just wasnt there.
    Isn't this your thread? Doesn't sound like you didn't have any sides...doesn't sound like it did you any good either at 6'2" 200 lbs.

    Stop jerking us around, dude. More important than that, stop wrecking your body. You don't have a grasp on what the proper use of AAS involves and need to do some reading.
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 08-22-2011 at 10:18 AM.

  7. #7
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Isn't this your thread? Doesn't sound like you didn't have any sides...doesn't sound like it did you any good either at 6'2" 200 lbs.

    Stop jerking us around, dude. More important than that, stop wrecking your body. You don't have a grasp on what the proper use of AAS involves and need to do some reading.
    ^x2, Seems like your body tolerated everything REALLY WELL!!! Now you want to do more harm to your pre-mature body by cycling AGAIN?!? GL!

  8. #8
    Dude test should be a base for everything surprised you didn't have a ton of sides and shitty sex drive. Besides that you should get good results with the test better than the d Bol By itself anyways.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Yeah that was my thread. I was just having a bad weekend and freaked out a little lol Everything works fine. If I really had serious issues why the hell would I be willing to cycle again? and as for the 200lbs... I had a number of things happen since that cycle. I was at 215lbs then got a sinus infection that lasted a month and completly wiped me out. I guess you didnt dig up that thread either?
    Last edited by yeahbuddy289; 08-22-2011 at 08:31 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL
    215 is still incredibly small for 6'0"'d be willing to do another cycle again for the same reason you were willing to do a dbol only cycle the firs time around: You don't know what you're doing.

  11. #11
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    Oct 2010
    Ok besides the fact I cycled before the age of 24 and because I did a dbol only cycle what gives you the idea I do not know what im doing? I KNOW its not a good idea to cycle before 24 I read the sticky. I KNOW dbol only is not an ideal cycle but I can gaurentee more than half the people that are on this forum have done that along with cycling before 24. Im sure a few of you have that are sitting here talking down to me. Your right 215 is not huge for my height but you dont know my history. When I started working out 7 years ago I was 120lbs at the same height. After taking my diet and training seriously for the past few years I have hit my genetic ceiling. If I was huge I wouldnt juice but like you said, im not.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Ok besides the fact I cycled before the age of 24 and because I did a dbol only cycle what gives you the idea I do not know what im doing? I KNOW its not a good idea to cycle before 24 I read the sticky. I KNOW dbol only is not an ideal cycle but I can gaurentee more than half the people that are on this forum have done that along with cycling before 24. Im sure a few of you have that are sitting here talking down to me. Your right 215 is not huge for my height but you dont know my history. When I started working out 7 years ago I was 120lbs at the same height. After taking my diet and training seriously for the past few years I have hit my genetic ceiling. If I was huge I wouldnt juice but like you said, im not.
    Well Ive never done a DBOL only cycle...

  13. #13
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Ok besides the fact I cycled before the age of 24 and because I did a dbol only cycle what gives you the idea I do not know what im doing? I KNOW its not a good idea to cycle before 24 I read the sticky. I KNOW dbol only is not an ideal cycle but I can gaurentee more than half the people that are on this forum have done that along with cycling before 24. Im sure a few of you have that are sitting here talking down to me. Your right 215 is not huge for my height but you dont know my history. When I started working out 7 years ago I was 120lbs at the same height. After taking my diet and training seriously for the past few years I have hit my genetic ceiling. If I was huge I wouldnt juice but like you said, im not.
    That's like saying "besides the fact I slam heroin and smoke crack, I live a rather healthy lifestyle." Face it, you've made some poor choices. Do the right one, for a change, and lay low for a few years. What I don't get is you know how the forum will react to your poor choices, yet you continue to start threads about it.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    That's like saying "besides the fact I slam heroin and smoke crack, I live a rather healthy lifestyle."


  15. #15
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    When I started working out 7 years ago I was 120lbs at the same height.
    Bullshit. You were never 6'0" and 120 lbs

  16. #16
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    215 is still incredibly small for 6'0"'d be willing to do another cycle again for the same reason you were willing to do a dbol only cycle the firs time around: You don't know what you're doing.
    215 at 6ft has never been and never will be small. I have no idea what you have been smoking..

    Heavyweight boxer David Haye is 215 at 6ft 3 and he is pretty big so subtract 3 inches and you have a beast!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    215 at 6ft has never been and never will be small. I have no idea what you have been smoking..

    Heavyweight boxer David Haye is 215 at 6ft 3 and he is pretty big so subtract 3 inches and you have a beast!
    For someone who has run gear it is.

  18. #18
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    For someone who has run gear it is.
    I actually have to disagree with you on this. Im 6' and weigh 216lbs at 8-10% BF and I am damn pleased with my build. I would laugh at anyone who called me "small".

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    215 is still incredibly small for 6'0"
    its defiantly not "incredibly" small lol, 215 and lean is big on a 6'0 frame

  20. #20
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    Mar 2009
    According to his book Schwarzenegger was about 6ft 2, 220lbs on stage..

    I can't be certain but I think he took an anabolic or 2 in his time.

  21. #21
    Saying 215lbs at 6ft is incredibly small is stupid. Just because he's done a cycle before doesn't mean he's going to jump to 300lbs. Everyone reacts differently and even at 215lbs if you're lean and not a pro then you have to be pretty pleased with yourself.
    And only a behemoth could call 215lb 6footer small.
    I take it you must be atleast 350lbs of lean muscle for you to carry such an ego?

    I'm 6ft 1 and a few years ago I was only 145lbs due to health reasons and I looked awfull. I've trained real hard, ate well etc and now I'm 238lbs and I don't feel like I look in any way small for being 6ft 1. Sure there's plenty bigger guys out there than me but, I've passed the stage of ever being referred to as small by anyone, ever.

    Why tear someone down so badly?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    According to his book Schwarzenegger was about 6ft 2, 220lbs on stage..

    I can't be certain but I think he took an anabolic or 2 in his time.
    actually thats a myth, he just ate lots of big macs and kfc and ran a lot lol

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Incredible Dump View Post
    Saying 215lbs at 6ft is incredibly small is stupid. Just because he's done a cycle before doesn't mean he's going to jump to 300lbs. Everyone reacts differently and even at 215lbs if you're lean and not a pro then you have to be pretty pleased with yourself.
    And only a behemoth could call 215lb 6footer small.
    I take it you must be atleast 350lbs of lean muscle for you to carry such an ego?

    I'm 6ft 1 and a few years ago I was only 145lbs due to health reasons and I looked awfull. I've trained real hard, ate well etc and now I'm 238lbs and I don't feel like I look in any way small for being 6ft 1. Sure there's plenty bigger guys out there than me but, I've passed the stage of ever being referred to as small by anyone, ever.

    Why tear someone down so badly?
    238 at 6'1" is far different from 215 at 6'0".

    Why am I tearing him down? Let's go through this...

    -OP states he was once 120 lbs at 6'0
    -OP somewhere at some point did a dbol only cycle (which means most of what he gained was water weight), and rocketed to the magic number of 215 lbs at 6'0"
    -OP posts a thread some months ago about having erectile dysfunction along with other symptoms after his dbol only cycle...we will call them side effects
    -OP states he gets sick and drops down to 200
    -OP now wants to do a testosterone cycle, stating he doesn't get any sides, when his thread posted some months ago says he does, which he now says did not happen
    -OP is only 24 years of age, and is most likely not a prime candidate for anabolic steroid use
    -OP has previously ignored all advice to STOP what he's doing and go the natural route

    This is why I would "tear him down so badly"

    And using my brother as a gauge, who his 6'2" 220 (who has never done steroids in his life), I don't consider 6'0 215 to be all that huge

    BTW...this picture is of a guy that is 6'0" and 120 lbs...which makes me think the OP is full of shit.
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 08-24-2011 at 05:14 PM.

  24. #24
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    Oct 2010
    Ok dude take two seconds and read this: I was a freakin stick why do you think I took training and eating seriously. I remember it like it was yesterday.. I was 15, I could only bench 115 and I weighed between 120-130. At 21 I was at 200 lbs and benching 300lbs. I decided to do a dbol cycle and made it up to 215 and was benching 330. I lost about five pounds during PCT but my lifts were the same. about a month after I finished PCT I got sick for a solid month and fell back to 200lbs. My girl friend came home from school one weeked and I didnt really feel like having sex and my dick would not instantly get hard. I panicked and made a thread because I was worried when it turned out to be nothing at all (how many threads do you see everyday on this forum like that) You really cant hold that against me. Im really not an idiot, if I serously experianced negative side effects why would I want to cycle again.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    for ur test e cycle just do 400mg and last two weeks do propionate and do exemestane do a 2-4 week pct depending on ester keep it simple u already almost ****ed up

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    I just want to run E no sense in switching it up. Prop would actually be the better choice for a first cycle because its not a long lasting ester and if the user experiences negative side effefts they can discontinue used and start PCT quickly. However, I do not have any experience injecting and doing it EOD would be asking for trouble. Not to mention the pain. I am going to try to get my hands on some HCG and run that with it. And of course keep an AI on hand. And yes I will not be going over 400mg per week.

  27. #27
    I can understand your frustration with him not really taking the good advice given to him on here and yeah Dbol only cycles stink of lack of researching before diving in but, it did seem pretty harsh to say he's incredibley small.
    As for your bro, some people are just naturally massive, genitcally gifted. My dad has never touched steroids in his life and I'm miles behind his records. You would think I'd have been as good as if not better being his son but no. He didn't even haev the sort of rigid diets, force feeding or eating regularly regimes I have, no protein shakes, creatine, nothing. Just naturally gifted.

    I think if he doesn't take the advice given to him this time then he'll deserve all the critisism he gets but, I don't think his size should come into it especially when he's made such great gains.
    Everyone was a beginner once, and alot of people jump the gun and take stuff without properly reading up or just off word of mouth by another ignorant idiot. It can be a real personal reason why people use steroids, not just to be a great bodybuilder but, because of insecurity, unhappiness with ones image, the grief they get from people everyday when they get called 'skinny' or even just health issues. It's no suprise that alot of people just dive in and think it's going to magically change their life without reading up properly because unless you come on forums like these or read up properly that is the general belief of the public - steroids make you massive fast with no effort then you die of a heart attack age 35.
    It's silly really and the media has alot to answer for.

    Of course newcomers are going to piss the experienced members off on here with some of their antics but, it's the experienced guys on here who can really make the difference and save people alot of wasted time, effort, money etc.

    As long as the newcomers take the advice (which you do have a good point about).

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