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Thread: Too afraid of Gyno and Hairloss and not looking to blow up either. Non-test cycle?

  1. #1

    Too afraid of Gyno and Hairloss and not looking to blow up either. Non-test cycle?


    I've been researching as much as my f**ed up eyes have allowed me to and obviously test is the way to go for the first timer. But I'm already loosing hair(although on rogain and it works) and have always had bigger chest. So my main concern is tits and hairloss. That, and the fact that I dont want anyone to notice I'm juicing has got me wondering if I should do a non-testosterone cycle. From what I've read deca seems like a good option as far as gain/side effect ratio. I know most people think its not a good first cycle on its own but I'm only looking to gain/keep 8-10 pounds. What should I expect with a 8-10 week cycle of deca about 400 mg week? is there another "mild" steroid that you would recommend?

  2. #2
    If u use Deca without Test, hair loss & boobs will b the smaller of ur concearns. Read the profile & other threads / posts here about Deca. U NEED a Test with Deca.

  3. #3
    Judging by ur stats, u should b able to accomplish ur goal with the rite diet & some hard work / dedication.

  4. #4
    Yeah bro deca by itself will lend to a limp noodle so unless your not getting laid anytime soon I would say no way to deca only. Plus the sides of test at low doses aren't usually as bad as most think I ran a ph and had more sides than my test cycle. Shit half the kids training these days run Ph's without even knowing what they are. So small dose of test maybe 400 -500 should treat you good. I was freaked about hair too sad thing is if your prone to losing not much you can do maybe propecia with some revita that's what I use as a precaution.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeteFasio View Post

    I've been researching as much as my f**ed up eyes have allowed me to and obviously test is the way to go for the first timer. But I'm already loosing hair(although on rogain and it works) and have always had bigger chest. So my main concern is tits and hairloss. That, and the fact that I dont want anyone to notice I'm juicing has got me wondering if I should do a non-testosterone cycle. From what I've read deca seems like a good option as far as gain/side effect ratio. I know most people think its not a good first cycle on its own but I'm only looking to gain/keep 8-10 pounds. What should I expect with a 8-10 week cycle of deca about 400 mg week? is there another "mild" steroid that you would recommend?
    Anavar and/or Deca. These are the best choices. Or you can run tesosterone with Propecia. But I have been on minoxidil for almost 15 years as well and I wouldn't risk it. I stay with Anavar and Deca and I am O.K.

  6. #6
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    If your prone to hair loss already then chances are it's gonna happen no matter what. If your worried about that and gyno don't run a cycle. Keep going natural, make some training and diet adjustments and see what happens. If that's not enough and you decide to cycle pay attention to sides. Make sure you have everything you need ahead of time in case they get harsh.

  7. #7
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    Low dose test is the best way to go. Try 300mgs a week Gyno wont happen at this dose esspecially if you have an AI with you just in case. If you run a cycle without test you will have much greater side effects to deal with

  8. #8
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Ill never run deca again, made my hair fall out like crazy.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    Anavar and/or Deca. These are the best choices. Or you can run tesosterone with Propecia. But I have been on minoxidil for almost 15 years as well and I wouldn't risk it. I stay with Anavar and Deca and I am O.K.
    So wut do u do bout ur supressed Testosterone levels on a no Test cycle?

  10. #10
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    its a bad idea to do deca alone......very bad idea!
    here is why, one shot of deca will shut you down 100% for about 1 month or more. that means you would get all the estrogenic side effects that are possible, gyno is one of them! you can run your 400mg of deca with 100 of test. that will keep your pakito working for girls and you wont be getting all the estrogenic side effects.

  11. #11
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    Hair loss runs in my family, but I've gone 2 cycles of Test E at 500mg/wk and 12weeks and haven't had any issues with it. I never bothered with propecia either.

    If you are too afraid of possible side effects, then you should probably consider not using AAS as recommended by others. You can make plenty of gains naturally.
    You also have to ask yourself if you could shove a 1 to 1 1/2 inch long needle into yourself. I never self injected my first cycle (I just couldn't do it, but I did for my HCG), but I self injected my glutes every time with a 1 1/2" 22Ga for my second cycle.

    You won't blow up with one cycle of Test. You might gain 20lbs MAX.
    Last edited by jelly; 08-22-2011 at 07:03 PM.

  12. #12
    Good info fellas. I guess no deca. So I'll just do 300-400 mg a week test e and have the pct and other stuff at hand. There's always liposuction and hair transplant I guess lol.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Ill never run deca again, made my hair fall out like crazy.
    Are we talking hairline or thinning out? I had lost a Lil on an all test cycle once but it grew back. Is it the same with deca?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    Anavar and/or Deca. These are the best choices. Or you can run tesosterone with Propecia. But I have been on minoxidil for almost 15 years as well and I wouldn't risk it. I stay with Anavar and Deca and I am O.K.
    Can you tell me WHY deca alone would be a good choice? No you cant!!! a 19 nor without test isnt a smart move.Learn before you try to teach.

  15. #15
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    Sounds to me like you don't want to gain size, loose your hair, risk gyno and don't want to look like you've been using AAS. It's obvious to me.

  16. #16
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    There is a price to pay for everything we do.Nothing in life is free!

  17. #17
    I guess I'll take the test route. Gonna order Tect C online. Question about the measurements, does 200mg/ml 10ml/vial EP mean 10 injections of 200mg each? I'm asking because I cant believe the price, it costs about 5lb of protein powder. That's 5 weeks of test at 400mg a week, correct? They also have Human grade. Anyone here prefer that over UGL?
    Last edited by PeteFasio; 08-23-2011 at 08:47 AM.

  18. #18
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    You just broke 3 rules, edit out your post.

    No price talk, no source talk, no lab discussion. Also you need 100 quality posts or be a good standing member for 45 (?) days to do a source check via pm to a WILLING Vet/Mod/HOF'er

  19. #19
    U will get 200 mg. of Test-C per ml. Thats wut the "200mg/ml means.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    There is a price to pay for everything we do.Nothing in life is free!
    Forgive me if I sound like an A hole but I read these kinds of posts quite often and just wonder why some people even entertain using AAS. I have some friends who are the same way. They want to compete, get strong and hard but they won't do needles. If that's an issue for anyone they should be bowling or playing golf. This is serious business that requires one to be all in or not at all.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobr View Post
    Forgive me if I sound like an A hole but I read these kinds of posts quite often and just wonder why some people even entertain using AAS. I have some friends who are the same way. They want to compete, get strong and hard but they won't do needles. If that's an issue for anyone they should be bowling or playing golf. This is serious business that requires one to be all in or not at all.
    Ditto. He should just stay natural. Rogain is just stretching the time until you go bald. Embrace it lol.

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