Last edited by robin_hood; 08-26-2011 at 10:54 AM.
Welcome to the forum...
Well I will be the first to tell you what you already know. IMO running a var only cycle at 30mg a day is an absolute waste of your money. You dont have to worry about" bulking" on a var cycle, even if you run it a t 100mg a day you are not going to "bulk" from it.
You dont need all that other crap from GNC either. Take some liv52 or some milk thistle if you feel you need it and some BCAA's and a multi vitiman.
I am sure you have already heard this before but I will say it just for the record..You will most likely not get what you think you will achieve by taking a var only cycle.
^^^ Agree. Var only cycle is a complete waste imo. Why not throw in some test and up the var? Don't worry about bulking as that is diet dependent.
Last edited by robin_hood; 08-26-2011 at 10:54 AM.
I had great results from a var only cycle. I did 70 mg a day for 2 months and was blown away at how much strength and lean vascularity i achieved.
i did 1 var only,, i liked it but i wasnt looking for much. thnk i was at 50 to 60mg a day
Nothing wrong with a var only cycle.
I'd up the dose to at least 50mg/ED, however.
Good luck with your cycle bud, you really should think about upping your doseage tho. I did a Var cycle at 80 a day for 4 weeks followed by Nolva 40/20 and gained 5 lbs and dropped a couple percent in body fat. If your diet isn't spot on its possible that you won't see any results from 30mgs a day.
i agree with Chizzeled a low dose of Test is a great beginner cycle plus the benefits of the Var.You should add a low dose of Test as stated above and up the Var dose even if your not looking for big gains test is the foundation for almost any cycle and of couse diet. I think you would be happier with the results. IMO. Staight Test E 500mg a week was my first cycle and I grew like crazy,stayed pumped and recovered very quickly, besides the gear your diet is the most important.
Also Deca in low doses has similar properties as Var as far as increasing bone mineral content and collagen synthesis and should be taken at a low dose of 100mg a week to accomplish this. Also should be mixed with Test. FYI. Good luck what ever you decide to do.
i think a 4 weeks superdrol cycle at 20 mgs or a 6 week hdrol cycle at 75-100mgs or a epistane cycle at 30-40mgs for 6 weeks are all a lot better cycles then var at 30 mgs
100mg a week injected it has an active life of 15 days I think so once a week will do the trick. They did a lot of research on HIV patience with significant wasting away they used 100mg every 2 weeks with significant weight gain. You won't see any muscle growth but the increased bone mineral content and collagen synthesis is evidence of Deca's strong anabolic properties.
I always inject less stress on the live ,more consisdant blood level Never took Var or Oral Stanazolol. Alway's inject. It's a lot easier to make fake pills if you don't know what they look like and everything in this life style doesn't come gift wrapped. I do take A50's but I can just touch it on my tongue an taste it.
Dunno, if I got a godly cycle of Anavar but my first experience with it was the best experience of my life.
I increased my Chest Fly 90lbs in 7 weeks, increased my bench 50lbs, and my vascularity is exceptional.
People thought i was "swole" before now they look at me like I don't even belong on this planet.
I mean I do not want to get tooooo big I want a lean, ripped/big physique.
It blew my expectations away, honestly!
oh and I was at 60mg/day . I took half in the morning and the other half before I lifted.
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