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Thread: need help quick

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    need help quick

    i just got some test 400 from a buddy and he said it was supposed to be the sh*t... well this is the first time I've ever cycled and i just did my first injection a day ago... after reading through some of the other threads, i think i may have an infection... the guy i got it from gave me a 24ga 1" syringe and told me to only use it in my quad, not butt... well i did that and the next morning i woke up my leg hurt like hell... slightly swollen, a bruise around the site (size of a quarter), and just today it started to turn slightly red and warm... it hurts like hell to walk around... if this is an infection what can i do if anything and is it gonna be necessary to go to the doc?... like i said this is my first cycle so my knowledge is limited... all help will be appreciated... thanx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    OK, T-400 has an extremely high BA content so the soreness and redness is normall for a short period of time.

    Bad choice to do 400 on your first cycle. Most Test's are not as painfull.

    Lightly massage it daily and if swelling continues past a few days, consult a physician.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    see i know that theres supposed to be some soreness that usually goes with it, but it seems like this is pretty abnormal... i read in some other threads that redness and heat is usually associated with an infection... also does this mean my test is bad now... call me paranoid but i dont wannna go and f*ck something up

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    also, that size syringe i have, am i able to use that in my butt... i was told that i cant...?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by audiophile81
    see i know that theres supposed to be some soreness that usually goes with it, but it seems like this is pretty abnormal... i read in some other threads that redness and heat is usually associated with an infection... also does this mean my test is bad now... call me paranoid but i dont wannna go and f*ck something up
    Slight heat is not uncommon. I mean your injecting a foreign substance in your body. The blood rushes to that location to start the "healing" process.

    If you are that worried, then don't hesitate to see a doc. I don't know how sanitary your surroundings were when you injected so infection is a chance.

    But I think you'll find that those symptoms will subside. Test is not bad, unless it's a contaminated bottle which cause the infection(very unlikely)

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by audiophile81
    also, that size syringe i have, am i able to use that in my butt... i was told that i cant...?
    24G is very small, but you should have no problem injecting the glutes. As long as you can stay twisted around long enough to push that oil through.
    I use 23G and it takes a long time with that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    A 24g pin is fine in the glutes, but we usually recommend a 1.5" pin as there is generally more fat on the glute than the quad. The idea is to have the head of the needle embedded in muscle only (not fat) as blood flow is much much better in lean tissue. So technically your buddy was correct, however, if you are lean enough, a 1" pin will work in the glutes.

    I hope you have more than just one sringe. Please, please do not use the same sringe or needle more than once...or else you are just asking for an infection.

    Your redness and discomfort could be due to exactly what Pheeds said...high BA content. I used a product with a notoriously high BA content in my calf one time (those in the know will know who the manufacturer is ) and my calf was very red, very swollen, hot to touch and very painful for almost a full week. It eventually went away but I have never used that product again nor have I done calf injections.

    I also think that T400 is not a beginners drug, but good luck. How about a little history, length of time training, diet history, stats, goals etc....we can help more if we know these things.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    so basically what ur tellin me is that its pretty much expected what im goin through... if this is normal then the hell with it, i got a good pain tolerance (thanx to the marine corps), i'm just concerned that its not normal... what would be a good suggestion in ur opinion for runnin with next time instead of the 400 for lean mass gains....

    i weigh 210lbs, approx 5'10" with a too high fat content of like 16 or 17%... i been training for about 9 years now but real serious for about the last 4... diet consists of high protein, mod carbs, mod fat...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by audiophile81
    what would be a good suggestion in ur opinion for runnin with next time instead of the 400 for lean mass gains....
    Lean mass gains

    week 1-10 EQ @ 400mg/week
    week 1-10 test prop @ 100mg/eod

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Well, for test, I'd go with Cyp or Enan which you'll find in 200 or 250mg/ml. Pain will be nothing comapred to what your shooting now.

    Allthough it does matter if you running something else with it. If your using a short acting steroid like Tren/winny, then Test Prop would be best to run because the half lifes are matched better.

    If you stack a anabolic with a long half life like Decca/EQ, then Cyp or Enan are best to match up half lives.

    I say worry about your current cycle and contimplate the next after this one is finished. Good luck with your gains bro and stay safe.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    i forgot to mention that i only did a half cc... and with the test 400 that i got, it has all three tests in it, enan, cyp, and prop... so it should be ok then to hit my next half cc on monday (a week later) or should i use even less since this is so potent and this is my first cycle?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    I would go for 400mg a week. 1/2cc on Mon. and 1/2 on Thurs. Or 1cc on Mon.

    200mg a week is not going to give much of a benefit. Your body produces about half that anyway(depending on age)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    is it gonna pose much of a problem that im not takin any clomid or nolvadex, etc.

    and so then, the bottom line to this whole thread is that i should just wait it out and see what happens

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Clomid is a must. Nolva should be a must. If you start to get gyno, your going to be fucked. Titties are not attractive.

    Clomid is needed post cycle to start your natural test, without it; your test levels will dropp to nothing and catabolism will eat the gains you just made.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    hey thanx for every thing guys... pheendo uve been especially helpful... when should i start clomid and nolva, how much, how long, etc...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by audiophile81
    hey thanx for every thing guys... pheendo uve been especially helpful... when should i start clomid and nolva, how much, how long, etc...
    Start clomid 3wks after your last injection. 300mg-day one, 100mg-10 days, and 50mg-10 days. 36 pills in total.

    You could keep the nolva on hand, and if you start getting sensitive, itchy, painfull nipples, then start with 60mg for the first day, and 40mg a day untill sides subside.

    Or you can take 20mg a day throughout to be safe. Your call and I would expect you don't have any yet so get on it. Those nipples start getting suspect, it's a hell of a mind fucker.

    Good luck bro

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    hit up that search button and type in t400. You will find that half of the posts will talk about how much it hurts.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    yeah... this response is about 5 days later... that sh*t just hurt like hell... several days and a helluva lot of anti inflamatories did the trick... this stuff is no joke

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