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Thread: Need some advice with my Tren & Prop Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Need some advice with my Tren & Prop Cycle

    Stats: 25yr
    12-13% bf

    Goal: (Cutting cycle)
    Drop BF to sub 10%
    Increase muscle mass

    Week 1-8: Prop @ 150mg EOD
    Week 1-7: Tren A @ 80 EOD
    Week 1-8: Clen @ 120 mcg/day (will use keto)
    Week 1-8: Aromasin @ 25mg ED (Not sure about this, too high?)
    Week 1-8: Prami @ 1mg a week (Is this necessary if I am taking aromasin?)

    - Is my tren dosage low? (first time on tren)
    - Tren ED vs EOD? Does it matter?
    - Prop one week longer than Tren yes or no?
    - Aromasin dosage?
    - Prami? Tren and prolactin... I want to avoid gyno
    - I am prone to male pattern baldness, thinking I should run Finasteride but apparently it drops libido...
    - Should I start my PCT 1 week after last Prop pin?

    I know there are a lot of questions, but I want to do this properly. I will really appreciate any advice.
    Also going to log this cycle for you myself and you guys!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CleanCut View Post
    Stats: 25yr
    12-13% bf

    Goal: (Cutting cycle)
    Drop BF to sub 10%
    Increase muscle mass

    Week 1-8: Prop @ 150mg EOD
    Week 1-7: Tren A @ 80 EOD
    Week 1-8: Clen @ 120 mcg/day (will use keto)
    Week 1-8: Aromasin @ 25mg ED (Not sure about this, too high?)
    Week 1-8: Prami @ 1mg a week (Is this necessary if I am taking aromasin?)

    - Is my tren dosage low? (first time on tren)
    - Tren ED vs EOD? Does it matter?
    - Prop one week longer than Tren yes or no?
    - Aromasin dosage?
    - Prami? Tren and prolactin... I want to avoid gyno
    - I am prone to male pattern baldness, thinking I should run Finasteride but apparently it drops libido...
    - Should I start my PCT 1 week after last Prop pin?

    I know there are a lot of questions, but I want to do this properly. I will really appreciate any advice.
    Also going to log this cycle for you myself and you guys!

    Edit: PCT will start 3 days after last Prop pin. HCG will start in the last 3 weeks of cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    What's your cycle history if you don't mind me asking?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    This will be my second cycle.
    First one was Sust cycle. I did run dbol to kick start it, figured out that dbol didn't work that well for me.
    Did PCT as per rule book.
    Went smoothly and made some great gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Personally you are not ready for tren, you have no experience under your belt and you are asking for trouble.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by CleanCut View Post
    Stats: 25yr
    12-13% bf

    Goal: (Cutting cycle)
    Drop BF to sub 10%
    Increase muscle mass

    Week 1-8: Prop @ 150mg EOD
    Week 1-7: Tren A @ 80 EOD
    Week 1-8: Clen @ 120 mcg/day (will use keto)
    Week 1-8: Aromasin @ 25mg ED (Not sure about this, too high?)
    Week 1-8: Prami @ 1mg a week (Is this necessary if I am taking aromasin?)

    - Is my tren dosage low? (first time on tren)
    - Tren ED vs EOD? Does it matter?
    - Prop one week longer than Tren yes or no?
    - Aromasin dosage?
    - Prami? Tren and prolactin... I want to avoid gyno
    - I am prone to male pattern baldness, thinking I should run Finasteride but apparently it drops libido...
    - Should I start my PCT 1 week after last Prop pin?

    I know there are a lot of questions, but I want to do this properly. I will really appreciate any advice.
    Also going to log this cycle for you myself and you guys!

    1- no, i've seen people run tren at 200mg total per week with good results.
    2- no difference, imo.
    3- I've asked the same question and been told yes as it eases recovery.
    4- don,t take it unless you're prone to gyno. If you get puffy nipples run it .5mg E3D then work your dosage from that till sides disapear
    5- keep it on hand, but i believe with an anti-e you should be fine, especially at only 200mg
    6- Dunno about that lol
    7- 3 days should be enough.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    1- no, i've seen people run tren at 200mg total per week with good results.
    2- no difference, imo.
    3- I've asked the same question and been told yes as it eases recovery.
    4- don,t take it unless you're prone to gyno. If you get puffy nipples run it .5mg E3D then work your dosage from that till sides disapear
    5- keep it on hand, but i believe with an anti-e you should be fine, especially at only 200mg
    6- Dunno about that lol
    7- 3 days should be enough.
    Thanks Sulixe! I think I will leave aromasin for pct

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyPeaches o.O View Post
    Personally you are not ready for tren, you have no experience under your belt and you are asking for trouble.
    Thanks, but thats why i'm doing all the research before hand.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    bump for some more opinions

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by CleanCut View Post
    Stats: 25yr
    12-13% bf

    Goal: (Cutting cycle)
    Drop BF to sub 10%
    Increase muscle mass

    Week 1-8: Prop @ 150mg EOD
    Week 1-7: Tren A @ 80 EOD
    Week 1-8: Clen @ 120 mcg/day (will use keto)
    Week 1-8: Aromasin @ 25mg ED (Not sure about this, too high?)
    run 4mg's+ multiply times through out the day (for fat loss)
    Week 1-8: Prami @ 1mg a week (Is this necessary if I am taking aromasin?)

    - Is my tren dosage low? (first time on tren)
    It's tren ace so you'll find out pretty quick how you respond
    - Tren ED vs EOD? Does it matter?
    EOD is fine
    - Prop one week longer than Tren yes or no?
    Do, and run hcg through the
    - Aromasin dosage?
    12.5 eod or just use is needed
    - Prami? Tren and prolactin... I want to avoid gyno
    Keep it on hand if you control your estro you should have zero problemos
    - I am prone to male pattern baldness, thinking I should run Finasteride but apparently it drops libido...
    It does so make a choice
    Tren is a bad idea in this regard
    - Should I start my PCT 1 week after last Prop pin?

    I know there are a lot of questions, but I want to do this properly. I will really appreciate any advice.
    Also going to log this cycle for you myself and you guys!



  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Tren is the stongest injectable out there.Tren also has many sides but another reason why people should wait on tren.Get wat you can off the weaker compounds 1st.Makes no since to start at the top.Beacuse now once you start your dose will only go up.Just my 2 cents.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    My last Trenbolone Acetate and Test cycle I did 12 weeks 100mg prop ED 10 weeks Trenbolone Acetate 75mg ED mixed in 1 syringe so only had to do 1 2cc injection a day. Also I kick started with A Bombs. 50mg A-50 for the first 4 weeks. Dbol didn't do much for me either but A50's are amazing you'll notice a difference right away. I agree not enough cycle experience. I did what songdog said started with Test only,then Sust. then Test and Deca then Test and Stanazolol a few orals to kick start always adding something new to each cycle to see how the new compound effected my body. Tren is defintly not for where you are right now.Try some of the other coumpnds like Var, Deca, Winny,Turanibol,Dianabol, etc. Your only 25 once you have a few more mild cycle under your belt(and you will make great gains) if you run them right, stick to your diet and follow PCT potocal no exception. Then when you do your Tren cycle you'll already be huge and powerful and diciplined and very impressed with the results . At least your planning Tren A so if sides are to much you can cut dose or drop it altogether.If you do it now you won't look any different than if you did a heavy Test cycle with Var or Dbol or Stanazolol and that would be a waste and Tren is hard on your body everybody gets some side effects I not all. Some people even stop altogether because they can't take it. I would wait. Don't rush every cycle is exciting to me. And take these guy's advice they didn't get as big as they are by not listening,researching and learning. I you want to drop BF do it the old fashion way diet and cardio. JMO. Good luck and be patient bro.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Thanks neo, great advice. Still contemplating, as you said there's no need to rush into it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    aromasin is probably too high at 25mg per day. I'd start at 10mg every 2-3 days and see how that goes. You could start lower even. Stuffs pretty good.

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