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Thread: Adding Nolvadex and Prami....Stick with Aromasin as well????

  1. #1

    Adding Nolvadex and Prami....Stick with Aromasin as well????

    As seen in my previous posts I have unfortunately had a visit from the gyno queen, sucks...I was running Aromasin through out my cycle which lead me to the conclusion that it is a prolactin issue. So I have ordered some Prami along with some Nolvadex which I got in today. Started my first dose of Nolvadex at 40mgs which I will run for 2 weeks and reduce to 20mgs obviously daily. I start my next cycle 3 weeks from today, taking a two week cruise. Should I use the Aromasin in conjunction with the Nolvadex? My understand is Nolvadex is not considered a AI...Aromasin will obviously help with the side effects of acne, bloat oil skin etc? What is your thoughts guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    or your AI could be fake?

    your using a 19-nor right?

    what dosage of test are you using along side it?

    letro is top for gyno reversal no estro no progestro and watch out for the letro rebound when coming off

  3. #3
    Well I can assure you its not fake...I deal with heavy gyno issues previously, had surgery twice. Was running 500mgs of Test along with 500mgs of Tren Eq at 800mgs. Not sure im ready to hit letro unless have too. Going to hit Nolva first being its something you can run for long periods of time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Just go ahead and nuke it with the Letro, then revert back to Aromasin and Nolva. That progestigenic gyno from Tren is really tough to stop once it starts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    If you knew you had gyno issues, why didnt you do nolva from the start?

    And i would go with your planned action (do nolva now). You may need to lower your aromasin dose however, just pay attention to your body.

  6. #6
    Was told the Aromasin would do the job in preventing the gyno....Shit came back pretty quick :/ Im on my second day now of Nolva 40mgs

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