Thread: test/eq/var cycle critique pls
08-30-2011, 02:23 PM #1
test/eq/var cycle critique pls
After alot of reading I've decided to go with this for a cycle. I'm doing a clean bulk, with cardio. Hoping to maybe lose 6-7lbs of fat and put on 15 lbs or more of muscle. Diet and routine is spot on.
Weeks 1-4: Dbol 25mg/ED
Weeks 1-12: Test E 500mg EW
Weeks 1-12: Eq 400mg EW
Weeks 9-12: Anavar 50mg/ED
Throughout: Arimidex .25mg ED
PCT (14 days after last injection)
Nolvadex - 20 mg ed
Clomid - 100 mg day 1-11
50 mg day 12-21
If there's anything I could improve on in this without changing taking things in or out please give me your opinions.
5'11 190lbs
9-10% BF
27 yrs old
lifting 12 years
1 cycle
08-30-2011, 03:13 PM #2
I would only use the arimidex if I started getting gyno.
08-30-2011, 03:57 PM #3
08-30-2011, 04:00 PM #4
PCT for 3 weeks is a little too short.
08-30-2011, 04:17 PM #5
Yes I went back on my notes, I forgot I had changed it to 4 weeks. I must have copy and pasted from an old .doc file. I also forgot I changed out the Arimdex for Aromasin 12.5mg EOD throughout the cycle as I am somewhat naturally prone to gyno.
Nolvadex - 40 mg day 1-14
20 mg day 15-28
Clomid - 100 mg day 1-7
50 mg day 8-28
08-30-2011, 04:19 PM #6
Are my EQ doses too weak? I was thinking about upping it to 500mgs/week for it to be effective. I was also wondering if that means the test e has to be raised to 600mg/week?
08-31-2011, 12:37 AM #7
You can keep the EQ at 400 if you would like. Depending on the sides you get on test-e you can even lower the test and raise the EQ. For example, I have seen people run good cycles that have 300-400mg test-e and 400-600mg of EQ. So to answer your question, the test and eq dosages do not have to be equal to one another. Also, one might prefer this lower dosage of test to reduce test/estro sides and raise the eq dosage because it has very few sides and you will still get more results. Good luck.
08-31-2011, 06:40 AM #8
I would drop the Dbol .You are looking for lean gains and I dont like 2 orals in a cycle.
08-31-2011, 08:41 AM #9I would drop the Dbol .You are looking for lean gains and I dont like 2 orals in a cycle .
You can keep the EQ at 400 if you would like. Depending on the sides you get on test -e you can even lower the test and raise the EQ . For example, I have seen people run good cycles that have 300-400mg test -e and 400-600mg of EQ . So to answer your question, the test and eq dosages do not have to be equal to one another.
08-31-2011, 02:12 PM #10
I personally would drop the EQ and add a few more weeks to the var. The EQ honestly wont do shit for you...... you'd see better gains from 8 weeks of var and 12 weeks of test.
I know you didn't want to remove anything but I had to offer my .02
09-01-2011, 10:14 PM #11
Okay thanks for the input anyways. If I did drop the Eq and ran the Var 8 weeks isnt that alittle long for an oral? Like I said before I'm looking to lean up and add muscle without getting into harsh gear like Tren .
Should I just drop this cycle all together and go with a test/mast cycle? From what I've read mast is mainly for cutting but would it be effective for a lean bulk as well?
09-02-2011, 12:21 PM #12
Var is fairly mild and liver toxicity is VASTLY overstated IMO..... I'm not saying to go out and run methyl tren for 8 weeks or anything lol. Take some liv52 and give yourself some time off from orals after and you'll be fine. Hell.... I ran 100mg's adrol and 50mg dbol for 6 weeks with no issue as have many others.
Test and mast isnt bad but you wont see much size gain form the mast and if your bodyfat isn't sub 9-10% you wont see much from it. Test/var will give you nice lean gains and if your diet is right - you'll lean out with cardio.
09-02-2011, 09:57 PM #13
okay I'll give it a shot but this has turned into more of a cutting and less of a lean bulk cycle so I'm going to start it in April instead of October. It'll give me some time to get ready for it anyways. I'll do a natural bulk during the winter. I wont be so skiddish putting on alittle fat during it knowing a have a cutting cycle coming up.
When should I run the Var? should I start it from week 1 or start it in week 4 so it ends week 12?
Also without the EQ now would it be crazy to bump up the enth to 600mgs/week?
09-03-2011, 12:17 PM #14
Good advice by Haz, couldn't put it better myself :P
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