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  1. #1
    Exevious is offline Associate Member
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    First time PH user questions

    Hopefully I wont get flamed to heavily on my thread... but here goes....

    Ive reading these forums and google searching for over 5 years.
    It seems everytime I think I got things figure out, a new ban occurs and I gotta start all over again. I had thought about about real gear, but every source I thought I had, always turned out to be a crackhead who gear slowly turned bunk.

    anyway... Here I am today.
    Researching non-methlyated PH..
    Ran across a new winny:
    [3,2-c] pyrazol-5 alpha-etioallocholane-17b-tetrahydropyranol

    and Furazabol a japanese non-methly steroid . I couldnt find it for purchse

    I went to purchase 2 bottles of the winny and the website offered a nice discount on SD and Havoc clones.

    So I got a bottle each of:
    2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan- 17b-ol
    90 pills 15mg havoc clone

    60 pills 15mg SD clone

    [3,2-c] pyrazol-5 alpha-etioallocholane-17b-tetrahydropyranol
    120 pills 35mg winny Clone

    How should I cycle these? Most of my research shows that SD can be run on it own with no stack for great results... and winny is a waste on it own.

    I want to make the most of this purchase. Was hoping to somehow drag it out... like taking the winny for a few weeks, and adding the SD for 3 weeks, when winny might cause the levels to drop, the SD would pick them up?

    if that would work... would bringing the havoc in after SD do anything?

    Or should i just keep it for another day after several weeks off the winny/SD cycle??

    My stats:
    36 yo
    Fit hard gainer.
    5'10 195lbs

    My diet is good. Chicken breast, tuna, egg whites, pinto/black beans, whey protein in 2%milk is my steady diet.
    I also make those oatmeal/eggwhite pancakes with cinnimon I found on these forums a few years ago. I usually make those on the weekends, and extra for the week. One of my favs!!

    I soak the chicken in Light Italian dressing for a few days, and grill it on a foreman grill machine. I eat the tuna, two cans with 2tbl spoons light mayo, 3tbl spoon dill relish, salt, pepper, oregano, mixed and served with 4 sliced wheat bread.

    What is the best way for me to run these compounds?

  2. #2
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    You don't... Here is the thing, you've got in your possession 3 oral steroids , one of them is really hard on the system (superdrol). On top of that, you're going to shut down your body's production of testosterone , and you're not injecting any test in your body.

    Word of advice, oral only cycles are garbage. Any gains you make you'll lose. You say you're a hard gainer, but what you mean is you're not eating enough food. See, no matter how much you eat, if you can't gain weight, you're not eating enough.

    You should hit up the diet section. Eat 3500 calories per day with at least 195 grams of protein and tell me you can't put on any weight.

  3. #3
    Exevious is offline Associate Member
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    I didnt mean hard gainer weight wise.. I can put on lbs. especially now that Im approaching
    But I am definitaly the ectomorph.
    What I mean is that I bust my ass in the gym, and my shoulders will broaden... etc.
    I look alright with clothes on... but I just never been able to get cut or vascular.
    Never been able to achieve the 'beach bod'

    I figured now is the time to at least give it a shot.... since the days are approaching that I will be able to hit up the lowT clinics!

  4. #4
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exevious View Post
    I didnt mean hard gainer weight wise.. I can put on lbs. especially now that Im approaching
    But I am definitaly the ectomorph.
    What I mean is that I bust my ass in the gym, and my shoulders will broaden... etc.
    I look alright with clothes on... but I just never been able to get cut or vascular.
    Never been able to achieve the 'beach bod'

    I figured now is the time to at least give it a shot.... since the days are approaching that I will be able to hit up the lowT clinics!
    Well you need to adjust your diet then. And get bloodwork done.

    Those steroids you want to take might put a few pounds on you, but you'll lose it all when you come off of them. Plus you will have a lot of low T side-effects. Using superdrol is rough on the body. I mean the back pumps, headaches and lethargy alone aren't worth it.

    If you think you're suffering from low t, I suggest you get some bloodwork done. Those lowT clinics aren't really going to give you all the juice you can shoot. They're going to give you enough to put you on the high side of normal. Really, all it's going to do is relieve your symptoms (if you have any). It's not going to turn you in to the incredible hulk. You will be able to put muscle on like how people do naturally.

  5. #5
    J_420 is offline New Member
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    just my own personnal experience on this.... im runing super dmz for 4 weeks and right after im getting on decadrol... then i hit my pct ... so far so good

  6. #6
    cb714's Avatar
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    Honestly bro, I would do the real deal any day over prohormones. Too many horror stories from PH's and a bad experience on my own from when I was younger... and for what? For half assed gains with potentially more sides than testosterone itself and then to just lose it all afterwards.

    If you're set on messing with your hormones, then just go with the real thing bro. Seriously. Assuming your diet and exercise are on point, you are at a great age to do so.

    Oh and Honkey Kong says it all, if you're eating a lot and you're still not gaining, eat more. Food tends to be the most expensive part of any cycle.
    Last edited by cb714; 09-14-2011 at 12:35 PM.

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