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Thread: Ive been to the doctor and i need a little help after a cycle (Please Read)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Ive been to the doctor and i need a little help after a cycle (Please Read)

    Ive been to the doctor and i need a little help after a cycle (Please Read)
    Ive done a few cycles in the past. I just recently finished pct with clomid . After about a ten week cycle of sustanon ...Now when I squeeze my nipples bc they hurt i can see a tiny bit of clear fluid come out. I didnt tell my dr about the cycle but i did tell him what was going on with the soreness and the fluid. He sent me to get a mammogram and a testosterone level blood check. Now I have some arimedex here at the house but i thought that should only be used on cycle . My friend was telling me to start taking it now. But i dont really think it will work..What will work???? I know im not taking letro ever again would nolva help this or what should i get....

    any answers would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    So much wrong here, liquid coming out the nipple is a prolactin problem typically caused by 19-nor steroids. You probably need some caber or bromo. Sounds like you really don`t know what you are doing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    is caber considered prami from ar-r?? I think i still have some prami a little bit here around the house.. What kind of dosage should I run of the prami?? What steroids are considered 19-nor?? Ive taken a lot of stuff in the past including winstrol,tren,deca, various test dbol...But ive been off cycle for a few months and your right I dont know much about it and im going to do tons of research before attempting again

  4. #4
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    what was your cycle? what was your PCT?
    Dont take adex if ur not on a cycle.
    Nolva would help. Are there lumps? what hurts exactly? or have you been squeezing ur nips too much? A lil clear fluid? how much is a little?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I took susaton 250 for 10 weeks and also winstrol for the six weeks and masteron as well.. Ok cool I wont take the adex.. But yea i feel a lump but the dr said he couldnt. It just feels uncomfortable to wear shirts sometime and hurts but i do rub them a lot bc I know that gyno is possible. Well ive only done the squeeze a few times but when i do i only the smallest amount you can barely see it..

  6. #6
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    how do you squeeze to feel the lump? if you squeeze top to bottom with ur nip between ur fingers then that can be a false lump. If you feel it by pressing down on your nipples from the front, and feel a lump then thats a pos sign. If not then you are just grabbing tissue and not necessarily gyno.

    You shouldnt have any prolactin issues with that cycle but since you have ran deca and tren in the past you may have some existing issues. Excess estrogen can make normal prolactin values act like they are too high and cause problems. But since its barely coming out i wouldnt worry about that.

    If you truely believe that there is something wrong, then i would go with 1 week of 40mg nolva then 3 weeks of 20mg nolva (all ED). And stop rubbing your nipples, high nipple rubbing and sucking can cause lactation along with other factors. You could go as far as saying since you had elevated estrogen on ur cycle and you rub ur nipps alot that can cause some lactation and gyno itself. Gyno has alot of factors play a part in it, but the elevated estro and high nip rubbing doesnt help.

    what was your pct?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    well thats good news and yes i will order nolva right away.. But yea it def could be from a past cycle...

    For pct i just ran clomid ....

    Each number represents a week

    100 for one week

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I`m thinking he had prolactin issues from a past cycle that were never corrected and now they just got worse from the excess estrogen now. Best bet is to come clean with your doctor and get the appropriate blood panels done to figure out the issue.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    hmmm he did a test and blood level check I read on this site if you do come clean with the Dr the flag your medical history and the report it to the insurance company and thats why i didnt...but i agree i think its from the past too..What kind of blood panel check would i need?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    well a clomid only pct isnt very good... you should have added nolva in there. i would get on nolva asap

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well either way your Doc is going to know you are on the sauce.And as for the leaky nips.At Wal Mart they sell pads for women who breast feed.Tape it to your chest this way your shirt wont get wet and wont rub on your nips Good luck Bro.

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