09-03-2011, 11:37 PM #1
first cycle help PLZ!! bodyfat question, cut cycle then bulk cycle? or vice versa
after years of consideration i finally decided to walk over to the dark side.
my hgh has just came in and i will pick it up next week. i was going to do a low dosage of 3icu a day just so i can finally get abs that i havent seen for a couple of years now lol. i finally figured out my diet as what can sit well with me, and that higher carb low-to-moderate of protein is optimal for me as the low carb high protein thing just made me feel so bloated, sluggish and shit.
Now that i decided to inject something into my body, i decided might as well later on do a clean offseason bulking (since i got my diet in check now).
Im not the leanest but im not really fat either. i have a bit of fat on the love handles and a bit on my stomach, my waist went from a 36 to a 32/33 (i know once im lean n ripped i can be a 29/30) currently 5'10 at 195(was at 210-215ish at the beginning of summer). My strengths are still the same now as it was at 210lbs.
my question is, should i just take the gh (3icu) to lose the last bit of body fat i have to get the abs come out and make my bodyfat percentage low, then after do a clean bulk cycle (test & deca or dbol ) then do a full all out cut cycle by the spring (test prop, primo, anavar and hgh)??? or should i just bulk up now and do the full out cutting cycle after instead? (my hgh is a top brand not from china but it expires in 8months .. I have an 8 month cycle). i heard juice can still last a bit longer past the expiry date.
my friends gave me tren and equipose a few months ago but i havent touched it. tren is a bit too harsh and i rather not take that.
the guys im getting it from are no help for advice cuz they admit they are hardcore and take insane amount of dosages and dont mind taking the juice thats hard on the body. they dosages for the test range from 1000mg to 3000mg of test a week.
any feed back would be greatly appreciated.
09-04-2011, 01:55 AM #2Junior Member
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Any Pics
09-04-2011, 02:28 AM #3
whats your bf%
whats your diet like?
09-04-2011, 04:22 AM #4
Use the HGH and keep a clean diet so you can get your body fat as close to 10% as you can before you start a cycle. You'll be much happier with your AAS results if you start your cycle with less body fat. HGH, weights, cardio, and a clean diet does wonders for fat loss.
09-04-2011, 06:05 AM #5
Fist although it's a little late do some research on HGH.
You will find that there is a LOT of fake stuff out there now days.
Good choice on NOT doing any tren . Put it away for a year or two.
Although you think you got your diet figured out please visit the diet section and do a little reading. You might be pleasantly surprised.
09-04-2011, 09:58 AM #6
I some how seem to have lost my bodyfat clipper and I dont have any scale at home at all. I do have pix of me from before uploaded on to my fone that i can post up. Do i just post it up on here on this thread?
I just came back vacation from mexico. I was gone for a week. I kinda regrett going as it wasnt that fun and it totally ruined my diet and cardio. I didnt get to do any cardio but i did go to the gym twice (the gym was very limited as to what i can do). I tried to eat clean as I can but there was not that much variety to eat either and the time inbetween meals was soo long as we had to wait for our food plus waiting to meet everyone to eat together. I just had a proper gym day yesterday and proper eating as of yesterday since 2 weeks ago on friday.
At first I been playing around with my cutting diet for the last few months.
I was doing some carb cycling. moderate carbs high protein on my workout days - 2 meals with carbs before i hit the gym then fiberous carbs with my meal after the gym... either brown rice with my meal or just oatmeal with my protein. My carb intake for the day was about 150. Then on my off days I will have no carbs. I felt like shit. I felt like i was losing mass.
I always been aware of George Farah. At every chance I get I always try and read his interviews and questions and answers on his take on dieting. Hes diff cuz hes an advocate of high carbs and low protein. I been reading up on him for the last 2 years then finally i decided to do as much research as I can on him and his diet plans. What he says makes a total alot of sense and theres facts to prove it. Protein takes alot of time to digest thru the body as alot of it sit in ur stomach and carbs is alot faster to digest thru the body. He also has thing to times your body of your daily macros(depending on what type of body you have and times it by the number he says). Then I used the carb, protein, fat calculator. I have now switched to a 50 carb/30protein/20 fat diet.
My intake of protein ended up being 200-210 a day from instead of 350 a day. My body feels so much better, i tend to be more hungry inbetween meals than before which I have to eat no longer than every 2 hours. My stomache has gone down and my body doesnt look like its losing muscle n i feel great in the gym. I lost a few inches on my waist already. I dont even mind cutting down my protein intake to 150 as I been taking bcaa inbetween or with my meals and raising up my carbs. I eat about 5 times a day and I believe my daily carb intake is about 400 to 450 a day. i raised it up from 350 as I was getting wayyy too hungry inbetween meals since cutting my protein down. My only carb source is whole wheat toast in the morning and white rice mixed with brown rice which would be 2 servings of white rice with 1 serving of brown rice). I only do cardio for 20 mins at a heart rate of 60-70 percent in the morning on a bike about a few times a week.
It made alot of sense to me cuz when i was young, my family was poor so we only ate a small amount of meat and filled up on rice. I was frigging hella skinny back then from my childhood to teenage years.
How do i upload the pics? sorry first time forum user . i have one from back in july and from one about a week beofre i left to mexico. i dont want to take any pics now cuz of my trip and i just had diarrhea all last nite and this morning from too much arginine .. i regret taking superpump then later at night a dose of hemanvol (first time trying this)Last edited by particularly_another; 09-04-2011 at 10:01 AM.
09-04-2011, 11:01 AM #7
i just read the diet section. The advice given for diet is basically for someone just starting out on juice. it says i only need 1-1.5 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight and i should over do on the carbs. I think what really messed me up when i was bulking was that I over did my protein. Remember, im just a natural and during my bulking phase i went from 170-210 in not that much of time lol. I was eating 12-14 ounces of meat per meal from red meat or chicken and i ate red meat sometimes twice or 3 times a day, i have sometimes 7 whole eggs in the morning with 5 egg whites. I didnt count my daily macros at all i was just concerned of just to eat , eat, eat nothing else. I wasnt sure how much carbs i was taking in as i didnt care to measure for that i was just more concern of washing down my protein first then my carbs. I wish i knew how much carbs i was taking in before. it wasnt low that was for sure. for preworkout and after workout alone i was taking in 250 grams of carbs from carboforce, waxy maize or vitargo. i am assuming it was 500 maybe altogther? i got a bit fat in the bulking phase i wish i would of just slowed down cuz all i cared about was just to eat and get big regardless. i actually have some fat pictures too lol
i think i was trying to take in more than double of my body weight worth in protein. sometimes i would down a protein shake with every meal i had just to get more in protein. i was weighing 200 but i was trying to wash down 400-500 grams of protein perday which made me feel like shit as i believed protein was the main source of muscle growth but now i realize i just need about 1.5 in body weight of protein for bulking.Last edited by particularly_another; 09-04-2011 at 11:18 AM.
09-04-2011, 12:14 PM #8
09-04-2011, 06:23 PM #9
09-06-2011, 12:39 PM #10
09-11-2011, 06:08 PM #11
09-11-2011, 07:15 PM #12
09-12-2011, 12:03 AM #13
bummp bumpp is anyone theree??????????
09-12-2011, 12:22 AM #14
Post your pics
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