Hi everyone,

23 years old
205 lbs
12-14% BF

I had been lifting on and off for a few years in the past, but have been taking it very seriously for the past 9 months. I'm in the gym 4-6 days per week running 18-24 sets per workout. Diet is as clean as it gets, im downing around 4-5,000 calories per day and have gained a little over 20 pounds in the past year and made phenomenal increases in strength without juicing.

I came to the decision to cycle 400 mgs test e for 10 weeks, and kick start 4 weeks with dianabol at 20mgs after researching endlessly with my roommate and discussing what we had learned. I will have clomid and novaldex on hand for PCT but i have just one question regarding arimidex ; Would it be beneficial for me to take it during my cycle ? I'm trying to cut my sides to a minimum and spending the money does not bother me if it will be of any benefit to my health. If i were to take it what dosage? I'd like to know because im going to be ordering my gear tomorrow or monday.