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Thread: Have I recovered? (blood results)

  1. #1

    Have I recovered? (blood results)

    Hi everyone,

    I finished a cycle of Test-E eight weeks ago (PCT completed two weeks ago) and was hoping somebody might be able to help me interpreting my blood results. The blood was drawn four days ago.

    Quick background:

    • Age 32, 190lbs, 14% bodyfat , training for 3 years (began at 160lbs)
    • Ran first cycle of Test-E @ 250mg E4D (437.5mg/week) for 11 weeks
    • HCG at 1000IU 3x weekly from beginning of week 11 until beginning of PCT (overlapped cycle by one week, two weeks just HCG, then PCT)
    • PCT was Nolva @ 20mg daily for four weeks.
    • Started cycle at 180lbs, peaked at 198lbs so I've kept over 50% of gains post-PCT (so far)

    PCT went generally well, I had a few moody days and a few with little energy, but overall I felt pretty good throughout. I lost the water weight as expected and I retained about 90% of my strength which I'm really pleased about. Unfortunately I didn't get blood tests done before my cycle so I'm not sure what my baseline is BUT ...

    ... looking at my results you can see that I am in the HIGH range of normal:

    Testosterone: 26.8 nmol/L (8.0 - 30.0) ... or 772.33 ng/dL
    SHBG: 65 nmol/L (17 - 66)
    FAI: 41.2 % (23.3 - 103.0)

    Cholesterol was as follows:

    Total Chol: 3.2 nmol/L
    HDL: 0.7 (> 1.0)
    LDL: 1.8 (< 2.5)
    Triglyceride: 1.6 (<1.5)
    LDL/HDL Ratio: 2.6
    Chol/HDL Ratio: 4.6
    According to the PCT calculator thingy, I should currently have 7.1mg of the enanthate still left in my body (I'm not sure how accurate this calculator is) - is this enough for my HIGH-normal result, or is it more likely I have simply recovered well at this point?

    I was thinking it's possible I had my blood test done too soon (3 or 4 days after my last nolva pill).

    I'm not planning to cycle again until next year, but am still interested in where my system is at. Any input would be much appreciated, even on my cholesterol results which are fairly meaningless to me.

    Last edited by foxhill; 09-06-2011 at 05:13 AM. Reason: Added ng/dL conversion

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    What were your blood work results before the cycle?
    You need to leave at least 6-8 weeks after the end of pct before you get BW done otherwise you will get false readings, so do it again in 6 weeks time.

  3. #3
    I didn't get bloods done before cycle (stupid, yeah I know). I suspected I might have gotten my blood tests done too early, I'll wait a while and test again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I was just about to post the same thing as Marcus. I had my blood taken once after a PH cycle once but it was right after PCT. My test came back higher then 1500 like i was on gear lol.

    Went back about 7 weeks later and test settled to 540 or close to it.

    Also I would get your free test checked.

  5. #5


    Out of curiousty, I had another blood test done at the end of last week. I will get another test just before I (plan to) start my next cycle in December.

    Also, I had the number of days post-PCT wrong when I originally posted, it was 14, not 5.

    14 days after PCT:

    Testosterone: 26.8 nmol/L (8.0 - 30.0)
    SHBG: 65 nmol/L (17 - 66)
    FAI: 41.2 % (23.3 - 103.0)

    Total Chol: 3.2 nmol/L
    HDL: 0.7 (> 1.0)
    LDL: 1.8 (< 2.5)
    Triglyceride: 1.6 (<1.5)

    28 days after PCT:

    Testosterone: 28.9 nmol/L (8.0 - 30.0)
    SHBG: 49 nmol/L (17 - 66)
    FAI: 59.1 % (23.3 - 103.0)

    Total Chol: 3.3 nmol/L
    HDL: 1.4 (> 1.0)
    LDL: 1.6 (< 2.5)
    Triglyceride: 2 (<1.5)

    To me, these results look promising for a good eventual recovery. What do you all think?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Looks good.

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