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Thread: Cycle critique request: Dbol, sust, deca

  1. #1

    Cycle critique request: Dbol, sust, deca


    Age: 29
    Height: 6"0
    Weight: 216.5lbs
    Bfp: 17%

    Training: four times a week - split M: chest, bicepts; T: legs; W: extreme cardio (stairs); Th: back, rear delts; Fr: extreme cardio (stairs); Sa: shoulders; triceps - on training days I do 20m of interval cardio on the treadmill/bike/elliptical/rowing machine - training 3 years now

    Diet: M1: 100g oats, 50g raisins, 6whites, 4whole eggs, handful almonds
    M2: 250g steak, 150g broccoli, handful almonds
    M3: 300g chicken breast, 150g broccoli handful almonds
    M4: 250g steak, 150g broccoli, apple, animal pak, animal flex
    P/w/o: 2scoops syntha-6 BSN, teaspoonful creatine
    M5: 5whites, 1whole egg, 1tbs peanut butter
    8-9litres of water daily, 3/4 cups of green tea

    I have gotten a bead on some **** products: Sustaplex 235, Deca 300, Dbol.

    This is all that is available in my local environment, from a lab that my research advises is legit.

    I am thinking of stacking as follows, and I am requesting advice, pointers, suggestions or any comments on any of the foregoing. To this end, I have tried to be as thorough as possible with respect to the information that may be needed in order for me to get informed commentary.

    Proposed stack:

    w1-4 40mg Dbol/day
    w1-12 400mg Deca/wk
    w1-12 400mg Sust/wk

    Proposed PCT:

    Clomid, Nolvadex, HCG

    The proposed stack is my very first. I have read that, it may be ideal to run Test or something gentler on the system. This is not available to me in my local environment, and the proposed compounds listed above are, hence my query.

    Please advise.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    start with test only bud, thats what im doing? im glad i was talked out of the orals for my first cycle, makes sense to just see what test does alone before mixing compounds. im in my third week and already seeing small gains in strength, over the next couple weeks im looking forward to seeing more gains then i might possibly add an oral to the next cycle

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterdude View Post
    start with test only bud, thats what im doing? im glad i was talked out of the orals for my first cycle, makes sense to just see what test does alone before mixing compounds. im in my third week and already seeing small gains in strength, over the next couple weeks im looking forward to seeing more gains then i might possibly add an oral to the next cycle

    Thank you for replying. Any help I can get is very much appreciated.

    As advised, I only have access to THOSE compounds. I am completely willing to remove the oral, if that is what the bulk of the advice will lead to. I have no entrenched positions, with the exception of circumstantial ones on the matter of what is available to me.

    Like I said, I know that Test would be a better point of departure. However, I simply do not have access to any. Hence my request.

    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterdude View Post
    start with test only bud, thats what im doing? im glad i was talked out of the orals for my first cycle, makes sense to just see what test does alone before mixing compounds. im in my third week and already seeing small gains in strength, over the next couple weeks im looking forward to seeing more gains then i might possibly add an oral to the next cycle

    Thank you for replying. Any help I can get is very much appreciated.

    As advised, I only have access to THOSE compounds. I am completely willing to remove the oral, if that is what the bulk of the advice will lead to. I have no entrenched positions, with the exception of circumstantial ones on the matter of what is available to me.

    Like I said, I know that Test would be a better point of departure. However, I simply do not have access to any. Hence my request.

    Thanks again.

  5. #5
    I have no hardline positions whatsoever, and will defer to the experience of users who will be more in the know than I am.

    I am willing to run the compounds in singular, if that is what will ultimately proposed.

    My hope is to get the response(s) and view(s) of experienced users, who may best guide me and/or affirm the position I have adopted, regard being had to my research and its results.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    well i would wait until you have access, because test is supposed to be the base for all cycles

  7. #7
    I have no hardline positions whatsoever, and will defer to the experience of users who will be more in the know than I am.

    I am willing to run the compounds in singular, if that is what will ultimately proposed.

    My hope is to get the response(s) and view(s) of experienced users, who may best guide me and/or affirm the position I have adopted, regard being had to my research and its results.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    im not the most experienced thats for sure but im guessing thats what most will say anyways

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    well op its time to learn about the compounds that are available to you cus if you did just a little reasurch you would know that sustaplex is basicly sustanon wich is a test blend so it is infact test and you can run it alone as suggested by others to get your feet is sooo not advised to do a stack your first cycle at least not with deca, d-bol i can live with but again id try just test and ease your way into aas...if you start with multiple compounds where dose that leave you for future cycles?....

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterdude View Post
    im not the most experienced thats for sure but im guessing thats what most will say anyways
    I appreciate a straight shooter, mate. Many thanks...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterdude View Post
    im not the most experienced thats for sure but im guessing thats what most will say anyways
    I appreciate a straight shooter, mate. Many thanks...

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    well op its time to learn about the compounds that are available to you cus if you did just a little reasurch you would know that sustaplex is basicly sustanon wich is a test blend so it is infact test and you can run it alone as suggested by others to get your feet is sooo not advised to do a stack your first cycle at least not with deca, d-bol i can live with but again id try just test and ease your way into aas...if you start with multiple compounds where dose that leave you for future cycles?....
    Thank you kindly, mate. This is precisely the manner of critique I was hoping for... Many thanks.

    Now, presuming I hit Dbol and Sust, would the numbers I proposed in my initial query yet apply? What would you suggest to the contrary (if at all)?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Call me crazy, but if you didnt know that sust was test, you have alot more reading up to do... just my two cents..

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by 2 Rex View Post
    Thank you kindly, mate. This is precisely the manner of critique I was hoping for... Many thanks.

    Now, presuming I hit Dbol and Sust, would the numbers I proposed in my initial query yet apply? What would you suggest to the contrary (if at all)?
    your initial proposal of d-bol/ sust dosages would be fine as is...

  15. #15
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    Aug 2011
    curious, since the sust has 4 different esters would you take it just like you would take test e, twice a week? i know it has test p and test p is pretty close to test e but what about the other esters? and would you get better results from a test compound like sust? i mean why would you not just take a test with one ester?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterdude View Post
    curious, since the sust has 4 different esters would you take it just like you would take test e, twice a week? i know it has test p and test p is pretty close to test e but what about the other esters? and would you get better results from a test compound like sust? i mean why would you not just take a test with one ester?
    test p is a short ester and test e is a long ester so no they are not similar....imho test is test but the difference is the frequency in the doseing..test p ed or eod(cus its faster acting) test e 2xweek but can be done with just one.... and sustanon some do eod cus of the short esters in the blend and some do 1 or 2 a week depending on there personal preferance...

  17. #17
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    Aug 2011
    oh sorry i mixed up test p and c lol

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    your initial proposal of d-bol/ sust dosages would be fine as is...
    Thanks again, brother.

    I take it that, no commentary on my diet and training regime means that it is relatively okay?

    Also, my reading with respect to Sust 325 seems to indicate that owing to the short esters in the blend, different people pin at different frequencies for purposes of maintaining stable blood levels.

    My initial thinking was to pin twice a week. Do you think this is sound, or would you suggest a MWF more frequent regime? I ask because the accounts of users of this compound are rather different.

    Thank you in advance. Your input has been an eye-opener for which I am grateful.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerseystepup View Post
    Call me crazy, but if you didnt know that sust was test, you have alot more reading up to do... just my two cents..
    Thank you for the comment Jerseystepup.

    I am quite aware of the blend of Test compounds that make up Sust 325. Helpful by way of eliminating Deca though Ghettoboyd's comment may have been, I can see where your misunderstanding as to my knowledge of Sust may come from.

    Notwithstanding, many thanks again.

    Would you have any experience with adminstration of Sust? My research has uncovered many different regimes, from bi-weekly, to tri-weekly. Any input would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  20. #20
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    Apr 2010
    Because of the prop in sust, unless i run it at least MON-WED-FRI (pref every other day) my levels are all over the place... Id honestly suggest just the sust.. reason being is, the smaller you start, the more options you have for effective future cycles.. if you do all three compounds now, then what happens next cycle? youll probably want to up the dosage of all three.. instead, start small and add a new compound every cycle, ie: next time run test/dbol... then test/dbol/deca

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    yep jersey makes a good point, plus wouldn't it be a great idea to see how your body reacts to test alone. People do have problems on test alone, and what if that happened and you had two other compounds in there as well, could be big problems or don't know whats causing it.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yes you can shoot Sus twice a week and be fine.But you should also get your BF down a bit.Higher risk of estro sides with high BF.Post up your diet in the diet section and tell them your plan they can help you.

  23. #23

    Thank you kindly for your input. I very much appreciated.

    As suggested, I shall run Sust 325 at 400mg/wk for 12wks.

    The only matter I am unclear on is the best manner of proceeding with respect to the pinning regime.

    Would you all say that it is best to commence on a M-Th (bi-weekly) regime; alternatively a M-W-F (tri-weekly) regime?

    Whatever the case, from my research, as I am only taking the Sust I shall only see/feel results at or around wk4/5.

    Your advice would be most appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  24. #24

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    twice a wk is fine

  26. #26
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    doesnt the sust have short esters

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooterdude View Post
    doesnt the sust have short esters
    optimal is ed but in reality it wont make a lick of diff.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2 Rex View Post

    Thank you for replying. Any help I can get is very much appreciated.

    As advised, I only have access to THOSE compounds. I am completely willing to remove the oral, if that is what the bulk of the advice will lead to. I have no entrenched positions, with the exception of circumstantial ones on the matter of what is available to me.

    Like I said, I know that Test would be a better point of departure. However, I simply do not have access to any. Hence my request.

    Thanks again.
    Sustanon is tes...just a blend of tes. so you can just do tes for your first cycle as it is available in your local enviorment.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2 Rex View Post
    Thanks again, brother.

    I take it that, no commentary on my diet and training regime means that it is relatively okay?

    Also, my reading with respect to Sust 325 seems to indicate that owing to the short esters in the blend, different people pin at different frequencies for purposes of maintaining stable blood levels.

    My initial thinking was to pin twice a week. Do you think this is sound, or would you suggest a MWF more frequent regime? I ask because the accounts of users of this compound are rather different.

    Thank you in advance. Your input has been an eye-opener for which I am grateful.
    pinning twice a week is ample. There is NO evidence that supports pinning more frequently allows any advantage that is strictly "bro science" or preference.

  30. #30
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterdude View Post
    doesnt the sust have short esters
    x2 pw is fine with sust, ive done every poss way and it makes no diff.

    read the info on d7m's signature

  31. #31
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    OP, you didnt even know what sust was. hold off on this cycle and research, then do only the test for your 1st attempt

  32. #32

    Your assistance has been invaluable. I appreciate all your time and advice.

    I cannot thank you enough, so my simple 'thank you' will have to do.

    This is a process, and I shall keep you all advised of developments in this regard.

    All the best...

  33. #33
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    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by 2 Rex View Post
    Thanks again, brother.

    I take it that, no commentary on my diet and training regime means that it is relatively okay?

    Also, my reading with respect to Sust 325 seems to indicate that owing to the short esters in the blend, different people pin at different frequencies for purposes of maintaining stable blood levels.

    My initial thinking was to pin twice a week. Do you think this is sound, or would you suggest a MWF more frequent regime? I ask because the accounts of users of this compound are rather different.

    Thank you in advance. Your input has been an eye-opener for which I am grateful.
    You need more complex carbs in your diet. Like sweet potatoes, rice, pasta....... Sust is test like the others have stated. I think you need a little more research on steroids. How long have you been weight training?

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    You need more complex carbs in your diet. Like sweet potatoes, rice, pasta....... Sust is test like the others have stated. I think you need a little more research on steroids. How long have you been weight training?

    I got back into the gym right about April 2008, weighing 69kgs after having been out of commission with two herniated discs that left me without feeling in my left leg. This, for a painful period of three years, during which I had to learn to walk again amongst other things. I started slowly, and I've built myself up into what I am today.

    I am certainly aiming to increase the amount of complex carbs in my diet, during this phase. This, in addition to the amount of cardio I do. On the latter, I aim to do 30-40mins post-workout, as opposed to the 20mins I've been doing to date.

    In this regard, I take it you are of the view that, I am ingensting sufficient amounts of protein in my diet? I would appreciate your views on this (if any).

    As I have tried to state before, I was well aware of the blend of compounds which make up Sustaplex 325. Its only that, my research indicates just how specific an endeavour this gear game is, as a consequence of which I wished to have no stone left unturned, and thus posed (what may have appeared to be rather inane) questions. In all the research I have done over the last year, this forum seems to be the most solid, hence the post. This, in addition to the fact that, pure Test (of which Cyp would have been my preferred compound) is simply not available in my local environs.

    I am very greatful for all the input, as it put me at rights with respect to matters on which I may have had uncertainty. Look, I appreciate that this entire endeavour is specific to the individual, and that all that one can really get from more experienced people is the general guidelines to follow in order to maximize results and avoid the negatives that may well ensue from being 'on'. So, again...than you all for taking the time.

    On the basis of the views you all have been good enough to give me, I shall run Sustaplex 325 at 400mg/wk, pinning M and F. This, for a twelve week period, at the expiration of which I shall hit clomid at 50mg/ED and nolva at 20mg/ED for a 4wk period. As stated above, in preperation for the likelihood that the Sust will cause suppression, I intend to run HCG at 125-250ius 2-3/wk ceteris paribus.

    I am actually scheduling an appointment with my doctor to do a full physical, prior to commencing. It is my hope that, you all will be available to answer any further queries I may have, as this journey goes on.

    Many thanks again.

  35. #35

    I forgot to add that, I shall also be supplementing on animalpak and animalflex, extra vitamin B6 and B12 at 200mg/ED respectively, and organic omega-3s/ED.

    I'll be very careful during training when the muscle size and commensurate strength start to grow, so as to break the joints in gently to the new-found power and avoid injuries. Anything else you all think I should be looking at?

  36. #36
    Got blood works done this morning. Results out on Monday. Ceteris paribus, the journey commences on Monday evening.

  37. #37
    Hm... No takers? Is it possible that I have unwittingly broken some rule? My apologies in the event this is so. I really do appreciate the assistance you all have seen fit to render thus far. Can't thank you enough.

    Blood works went fine, with the exception of the numbers showing I have a slightly inflamed liver. I've done more tests to eliminate viral infections et al, so that my doc knows how aggressively to monitor my liver. Getting my results tomorrow. In the event all systems are go, the doc is going to show me how best to conduct the administration process on my ace, so that I may begin on Monday.

  38. #38
    By the by, my reading on Sustaplex 325 from the various experiences folks who have used it are rather inconclusive on the matter of its possible effects. To my knowledge, and I hope you all will comment and correct me if I am wrong, Sust 325 will bulk me up without a whole lot of water retention, and also cut me up a tad.

    What are you all's experiences with Sust? What would you say I can reasonably expect from my proposed usage?

  39. #39
    Doc's assessment A-OK. The journey begins on Monday...

    I would really appreciate you all's advice. My discussion with the doc revealed some interesting viewpoints on some of the matters I see being discussed on the forums. This, regarding everything from the act of pinning, to the stack formation and duration, and the reasoning behind the same. The doc uses too. He is of the view that, there are a lot of urban legends that become gospel, alternatively a lot of stuff learned from trial and error (but does work) floating about, as opposed to hardcore knowledge of medical practitioners.

    What do you all think? I have yet to receive any commentary on my initial queries. I hope to receive the same when you all are able to spare the time.

    Thanks in advance...

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