Age: 29
Height: 6"0
Weight: 216.5lbs
Bfp: 17%
Training: four times a week - split M: chest, bicepts; T: legs; W: extreme cardio (stairs); Th: back, rear delts; Fr: extreme cardio (stairs); Sa: shoulders; triceps - on training days I do 20m of interval cardio on the treadmill/bike/elliptical/rowing machine - training 3 years now
Diet: M1: 100g oats, 50g raisins, 6whites, 4whole eggs, handful almonds
M2: 250g steak, 150g broccoli, handful almonds
M3: 300g chicken breast, 150g broccoli handful almonds
M4: 250g steak, 150g broccoli, apple, animal pak, animal flex
P/w/o: 2scoops syntha-6 BSN, teaspoonful creatine
M5: 5whites, 1whole egg, 1tbs peanut butter
8-9litres of water daily, 3/4 cups of green tea
I have gotten a bead on some **** products: Sustaplex 235, Deca 300, Dbol.
This is all that is available in my local environment, from a lab that my research advises is legit.
I am thinking of stacking as follows, and I am requesting advice, pointers, suggestions or any comments on any of the foregoing. To this end, I have tried to be as thorough as possible with respect to the information that may be needed in order for me to get informed commentary.
Proposed stack:
w1-4 40mg Dbol/day
w1-12 400mg Deca/wk
w1-12 400mg Sust/wk
Proposed PCT:
Clomid, Nolvadex, HCG
The proposed stack is my very first. I have read that, it may be ideal to run Test or something gentler on the system. This is not available to me in my local environment, and the proposed compounds listed above are, hence my query.
Please advise.