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Thread: Need help adding T3 to my current Clen Cycle..

  1. #1

    Need help adding T3 to my current Clen Cycle..

    Whats up guys just had a quick question, I originally planned on running a Clen Cycle alone going 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off method for a total of 3 months which would be 6 weeks of clen all together. I recently got a good supply of liquid T3 and Var tabs and i wanted to know how i should add this to my current cycle.

    At this moment I completed 2 weeks on Clen already starting at 60mcg and tapering up to 120mcg and went from 198.5 lbs to 193lbs which is not bad and now i began my two weeks off w/ 50mg benadryl before bedtime for 2 weeks

    How can i add t3 to my cycle, my understanding is that t3 can be run continuously without "off weeks" but should NOT be run longer than 6 weeks at a time but if im running clen 2 weeks on/off would mean 12 weeks total obviously that does not work out so im wondering if anyone can help me change the cycle around and add t3 and var, Thanks!
    Last edited by apocalypsex5; 09-06-2011 at 09:08 PM. Reason: meant to say t3 not clen

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