Whats up guys just had a quick question, I originally planned on running a Clen Cycle alone going 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off method for a total of 3 months which would be 6 weeks of clen all together. I recently got a good supply of liquid T3 and Var tabs and i wanted to know how i should add this to my current cycle.
At this moment I completed 2 weeks on Clen already starting at 60mcg and tapering up to 120mcg and went from 198.5 lbs to 193lbs which is not bad and now i began my two weeks off w/ 50mg benadryl before bedtime for 2 weeks
How can i add t3 to my cycle, my understanding is that t3 can be run continuously without "off weeks" but should NOT be run longer than 6 weeks at a time but if im running clen 2 weeks on/off would mean 12 weeks total obviously that does not work out so im wondering if anyone can help me change the cycle around and add t3 and var, Thanks!