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Thread: question about primo dosage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY

    question about primo dosage

    hey fellas for a little recap. i at first only had enough primo for 200mg for 7 weeks. well if everything goes as planned i will have enough for 400mg at 10 weeks if needed.

    my ?? is i am not sure as what dose to run it at now. 200 , 300, or 400. if i run it at 200 then i would have some left over for another cycle. i would like to go as low as possible but enough to make gains.

    i will be doing eq at 400mg a week also and var at 40mg towards the end

    i have never done eq or primo bf and i respond well to low doses.

    i could use some help on what you guys think would be a good dose for the primo. my cycle would look something like this

    week 1-12 EQ@400mg/week
    week 1-10 Primo@200-400/week ????
    week 7-15 Var@40mg/day
    week 2-13 Proviron@50mg/day
    week 15 Clomid@ 300/100/50

    any help would be great thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    bump for me

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Northern New Jersey
    i would definitely run the primo at 400mg/wk for the 10 weeks. Ya its pricey but you'll be happy with the results of that dosage. Other then that the cycle looks good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by Vaj10
    i would definitely run the primo at 400mg/wk for the 10 weeks. Ya its pricey but you'll be happy with the results of that dosage. Other then that the cycle looks good.
    Hey Bro do you think he needs 400mg of primo, when he has 400mg of EQ?

    If you have enough for 400mg a week for 10. Why not 200-300mg for 13 weeks?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Cycle looks good for a lean mass builder but I would run the Anavar in the beginning - while waiting for the Eq/Primo to saturate... versus running it in the tailend of the cycle. Another option would be jumping it with Tren in the beginning and then switching to Anavar around week 7 with Eq/Primo as the base of it all. Depends on how much gear you are comfortable with in one cycle... this would put you on several different androgens...

    IMO- how much Primo to add to the Equipoise would depend on your personal stats... if you are a hard 210 or more I would say 400/400 - considering you are hovering around a gram of AAS use per week (with the Var, Eq, Primo) it wouldn't be toooo excessive for that weight... assuming you are a heavy weight... don't know... can't remember... fill out your profile and you might get more input from others... if you are under 200lbs, you probably should use one or the other as the cycles base...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    sorry about that. i had my stats in the other thread. age 23 , ht 5'10, weight 185lb. bf 12-14% ???

    i like the idea with the var. i was doin it at the end to have something going till i hit the clomid. but i might bring it to the front. or i could do 4 weeks in the beg and 4 at the end????

    hey johnny thats what i was thinkin since i had 400 of eq and don't want to go lower on the eq. is 13 weeks too long for primo??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by H BOMB
    is 13 weeks too long for primo??
    I don't think it is, I'm going to run it 16 or 17 weeks at the end of my cycle.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    yeh i'm runnin the eq for 12 so why not. i've been reading that a dose of 200-300 works well for most. i could even go longer on the eq as i have 3 bottles of qv. well one shot of eq and primo is gone cuz i got hurt mon and have stopped till my ribs heal.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    hey johnny check out my primo. they are in the pic section. og helped me put the pics up. tell me what you think

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