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Thread: 900mg of 11 oxo for a 19 year old

  1. #1

    900mg of 11 oxo for a 19 year old

    My friend is thinking of doing this, he has been lifting for a year and has shitty genetics and wants to succeed in his passion

    sure he has more gains to be made but hes inpaitent

    now 11 oxo is a non methly PH and all he would need is a SERM

    what kinda possible long term side effects can he face?

    what should he look out for? prior medical conditions

    he says he will get blood work done

    and since he isnt very big he should keep every single amount of his gains correct?

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    yeah yeah 'my friend'

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Another 19 yr old with a friend.

  4. #4
    please guys i came to this forum for answers

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The best advice is don't do it.

  6. #6
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    Advice = Dont do it.

    "Your friend" is a idiot if he thinks he has 'horrible genetics'

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    The best advice is don't do it.

    but my friend has a passion and he cant reach it because of his genetics, he works very hard in the gym with little results and slow gains

    its not like hes injecting large amounts of test its a very MILD ph....

    please can i stop getting the "dont take it advice" for my friend?

    he needs to be prepared, he just wants this little aid to build a base for his arms

  8. #8
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    PH is worst that steroids. read how many people got screwed over PH and couldn't recover after a year even with aggressive PCT
    and the gains are not worth it. you are just 19. u can gain naturally really fast
    shitty genetics is a stupid excuse

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by makinggains View Post

    but my friend has a passion and he cant reach it because of his genetics, he works very hard in the gym with little results and slow gains

    its not like hes injecting large amounts of test its a very MILD ph.... No such thing as a "mild PH"

    please can i stop getting the "dont take it advice" for my friend? So you just wanna hear advice that you agree with?

    he needs to be prepared, he just wants this little aid to build a base for his arms
    here you go, what you wanna hear
    Go on gear, get huge, dont worry about PCT, diet or actually working hard. Steroids are a magic pill that make u swole and horny and have no ill effects. The gov is just scard of them thats why its illegeal!
    Since u need more test production, eat more cholesterol cuz thats where your body gets testosterone from.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    here you go, what you wanna hear
    Go on gear, get huge, dont worry about PCT, diet or actually working hard. Steroids are a magic pill that make u swole and horny and have no ill effects. The gov is just scard of them thats why its illegeal!
    Since u need more test production, eat more cholesterol cuz thats where your body gets testosterone from.
    my friend knows alot about diet and working hard

    its just that he doesnt want to wait years to achieve it, he wants to enjoy it in his teen years

    and how would a mild PH like 11 oxo shut you down badly?? some people dont even use pct with it

  11. #11
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    ^ and some people do rec drugs, and some people kill people, and some people do gear with no precautions, and some people are just idiots that think they know more than life itself.

    Does that make them right/good/correct?

    "your friend' is lazy.

  12. #12
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    Are we still going on about the "friend". Man this is the internet. Just say its you. We all know it.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    ^ and some people do rec drugs, and some people kill people, and some people do gear with no precautions, and some people are just idiots that think they know more than life itself.

    Does that make them right/good/correct?

    "your friend' is lazy.

    if my friend is given the perfect precautionary cycle at age 19 will he reap bad long term effects?

    he will never start lifting and hes ready to take bodybuilding seriously

  14. #14
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    At 19, the answer is probably yes.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    At 19, the answer is probably yes.
    that pisses him off i bet!!!

    i see kids his age cycle test and they are fine.... life isnt fair!

  16. #16
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    Don't do it!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by makinggains View Post

    but my friend has a passion and he cant reach it because of his genetics, he works very hard in the gym with little results and slow gains

    its not like hes injecting large amounts of test its a very MILD ph....

    please can i stop getting the "dont take it advice" for my friend?

    he needs to be prepared, he just wants this little aid to build a base for his arms
    You're trying to convince yourself...err your friend...that it will be ok.
    900mg of 11oxo (or any prohormone/steroid) will throw the endocrine system for a loop at the tender age of 19.
    Even though it seems like he's doing it right (SERM, bloodwork, starting off slowly), it's still not a good idea.
    Grow up and deal with it. You're not gonna find external validation here, and you certainly won't have a great cycle if you have to go to a forum to get assurance/moral justification.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by makinggains View Post

    but my friend has a passion and he cant reach it because of his genetics, he works very hard in the gym with little results and slow gains

    its not like hes injecting large amounts of test its a very MILD ph....

    please can i stop getting the "dont take it advice" for my friend?

    he needs to be prepared, he just wants this little aid to build a base for his arms
    People should stop blaming genetics for a shite diet

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