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  1. #1
    bigtrav101 is offline New Member
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    Results from Test Cyp?

    So I've been working out for abt 5 years now and finally decided to give test a try because I'm trying to develop a bit more strength and size all around. My current stats are:

    22% bf
    255 lbs
    Diet is clean

    Should I lose some of my bf before I go into the cycle or will I be fine to start the cycle as I am? I've heard many say I will gain fat and many say test cycles make you lose fat? What can I expect? I feel like I'm pretty strong but I want to get my bench max (currently 405x1) and squat a little higher( will max soon to see where I'm at).

    Just looking for details on what I can expect to see on my first cycle...

  2. #2
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    Somepowerlifters are always high bf% and cycle all the time with no problem. estro may be more of an issue though. I think test cyp 500mg ew for 10 to 12 weks with some dbol kickstart 30mg ed for 5 weeks and your golden.

  3. #3
    RaZr is offline Member
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    What are your goals exactly? Besides adding a bit of weight to your bench and squat? If its your first cycle just skip the dbol and use test.

  4. #4
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    I find it hard to believe you have a "clean" diet with such high BF. Gaining fat and losing fat on cycle all depends on diet, not gear. Too many variables to say what you can expect.

  5. #5
    goof82's Avatar
    goof82 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    I find it hard to believe you have a "clean" diet with such high BF. Gaining fat and losing fat on cycle all depends on diet, not gear. Too many variables to say what you can expect.
    ^^ Agreed.

    Look at lowering your bf% before touching any AAS. You will notice better results.

    As for gains, if you eat crap you will put on mixture of both fat and muscle, but will be hidden behind the fat, so whats the point, right?
    Clean diet, will put on lean mass, but of course expect a few lb's of fat to come with it.

  6. #6
    bigtrav101 is offline New Member
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    You may be right. I stay away from "junk" food, but I haven't been doing the 5-6 meal a day thing, I stopped that some time ago.I really just eat a BIG solid 3 meals and maybe a shake after workouts. I def. look at changing that soon. Other than adding strength, my goal is to really tone my physique, get my fat below 10%, and end up around 225-230 lbs. I personally like the body builder look over the slim lean look...I guess you all know exactly what I'm talking about. Let me know what you all think. I'd like to see some huge results within a yr. Thanks everyone!

  7. #7
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtrav101 View Post
    You may be right. I stay away from "junk" food, but I haven't been doing the 5-6 meal a day thing, I stopped that some time ago.I really just eat a BIG solid 3 meals and maybe a shake after workouts. I def. look at changing that soon. Other than adding strength, my goal is to really tone my physique, get my fat below 10%, and end up around 225-230 lbs. I personally like the body builder look over the slim lean look...I guess you all know exactly what I'm talking about. Let me know what you all think. I'd like to see some huge results within a yr. Thanks everyone!
    while i find it easier to burn fat while on test due to my metabolism rising, id say in your case it be just as easy to drop the weight with diet and exercise. Your gonna lose strength. But in reality taking test for 10wks will def not lower your BF% unless you change your diet

  8. #8
    goof82's Avatar
    goof82 is offline Junior Member
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    Hit up the diet section for sample diets to follow, there is so many good reads there, you can't go wrong.

    Reaching your bf% goal will take some time, go on a carb reduced diet and hit up the cardio bit more till your closer to your goal, and than get on the test. You will need to find the right balance for your body tho, you want to ensure you burn fat and very little muscle, but when im cutting, i come to expect to lose a bit of muscle, its all part of the process.

    Ensure tho, before you get on AAS you have your PCT in check, as you will lose most gains with in inadequate PCT, not to mention list of other issues.

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