This is my first time looking at doing a full recomp with the assitance of HGH. Stats are.
22-25% BF
28 yrs old
5 AAS Cycles
Before I get flamed for the use of AAS at a young age, I matured very early. Its tough being the kid in th grade @ 5'10 witha size 11 shoe and a deep voice!!! LOL.
I had planned on 4 i.u. a day, 7 days per week and was wondering if there is any additional benefit to certain test. esthers? I particularly like sust. due to less water retention, but also have yet to try prop which is am also considering for this run. Is there a difference anyone has noticed btwn cyp, en, prop or sust when combined with HGH?
I have had extensive problems finding a happy medium between being 190 and 12-15% b.f. and being the size, strength and overall weight at 220-225 and 20+% that I am happy with. I'd like to get back to that 10-12% b.f. and hold the size, but my diet has to be SO strict that I lose lean muscle rapidly. With that being said I have considered adding HCG as an assist with weight control. (this is under advisement from a friend that has a Dr. that put him on it and he is 5'8 200 and 8-10% and has achieved the goals I am striving for) With using the HCG I would be doing intramuscular injections ED so I would look at taking 50-75 mg test. ED with the HCG. Has anyone seen any real merit in using HCG? Also if I were to take 2i.u HGH in the A.M. on empty stomach and 2i.u HGH in the P.M. on empty stomach, would there be any benefit that anyone has seen from using IGF1-LR3 preworkout in say a 40MCG dose?
I know this is a lot, but I would really like to get the most out of this next step and with my job becoming increaingly demanding (12 hours ED, 5-7 days a week) its becoming harder and harder to get in the gym for the 2-3 hours like I had before along with not getting the 8-9 hours of sleep as I did before.
Thank You All In Advance!!!