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  1. #1
    mabdelmoneim is offline New Member
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    Sep 2011

    Exclamation What is the best solution for this problemo?

    Hey Everyone!

    So I'm new to the world of supplements and steroids .
    I'll make it short. Bascally, I want to gain about 20-25 lbs of muscle mass.
    I don't know what to take, for how long, how it works, my risks, or anything like that. I didn't just jump and started asking questions. I tried doing my own research and it keeps leading to more unanswered questions.

    Currently: 165 lbs, 6'1, male, bit of a belly, all the males in my family (and mostly extended) are rougly the same body types (difference of 20 lbs of fat with uncles)

    Goal: gain about 20-25 lbs and get toned and cut.

    I played basketball (damn good at it), soccer, and vball in high school so im not new to working out necessarily.

    I looked into things like Anavar ( which aparently dosen't gain mass), winny (which causes joint pains), D-bol (which is just water mass that is lost after work outs), and anabol ( which im not to sure about).

    Also, a list of protien supplements, vitamens and others things i should take to help aid me on my journy to better body would help.

    Thanks a lot guys!!!


  2. #2
    mabdelmoneim is offline New Member
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    Sep 2011
    Ps. No injectables please!!

    Thanks again!

  3. #3
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Step 1) Get on a solid lifting regimen like Stronglifts 5x5 or Rippetoe's 5x5
    Step 2) Get your diet on lock. That means you should be able to easily alter your diet to the point where you can gain or lose weight at will.
    Step 3) Be patient, grow mentally and physically.
    Step 4) Add supplements if needed.
    Step 5) Way way down the line, consider steroids if you've decided that you're willing to accept the risks.

  4. #4
    mabdelmoneim is offline New Member
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    Sep 2011
    what are those listed in step one?

    So you think I shouldn't just jump on steroids right away?
    would I have an increased risk if I suddenly jumped on them right away?

  5. #5
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Those are lifting strategies, and oral only cycles are a waste of time and money.

  6. #6
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mabdelmoneim View Post
    what are those listed in step one?

    So you think I shouldn't just jump on steroids right away?
    would I have an increased risk if I suddenly jumped on them right away?
    Tried and true, tested and proven weightlifting routines. Google them, follow them to the T, and grow.

  7. #7
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    If your not used to training with weights you will have considerable risk for injury to joints tendons etc. When someone first starts lifting you kind of have a golden 6 month window where you will notice a ton of gains. After that it kind of slows down.

    Your also 19. You shouldn't use AAS until 25. With your natural test levels you will be able to grow allot with a good training program and proper diet.

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