Trying to plan out my second cycle but it seems like when I think I have it down to what I want, I read something that changes my mind.

5'11 190lbs
9-10% BF
27 yrs old
lifting 12 years seriously
1 cycle (test e, dbol , pct)

Weeks 1-14: 500mg/week Test E
Weeks 1-12: 500mg/week Deca
Weeks 8-14: 50mg/ED Anavar
Weeks 6-16: 250iu/2x week HCG
Weeks 1-16: 6.25mg Aromasin ED

PCT (14 days after last injection )
Nolvadex - 40 mg day 1-14
20 mg day 15-28
Clomid - 100 mg day 1-7
50 mg day 8-28

Looking to do a lean bulk. Add some muscle and lose some fat as well. Water retention I'm not worried about because I know I'll drop that when I'm done.

So my question is with my stats in mind, is there any added benefit to keeping the deca? Or is it just going to shut me down, take me down a long road to recover from, and lose the gains sometime after anyways?

From what I can tell from other members is there's a certain point you pass with your weight gain, there is no way you are keeping that. I know I had a sudden weight drop with the dbol cycle, which is why I now find it pointless.

So should I just do the enth/var or should I stick with the deca as well?